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Experience in Umea University, Sweden by Maja

Published by flag- Maja K — 4 years ago

0 Tags: flag-se Erasmus experiences Umea University, Umea University, Sweden

Generally, what is Umea University like?

Umeå is a really sporty one. So if you are interested in sports and outdoor activities such as crosscountry skiing this is the town for you!


How are the facilities like?

The facilities at the school are great. But you do need to book the group rooms in time in order to get one. The campus is great, you have plenty of space outside to study on a sunny day.

Are the lessons easy in Umea University?

I think that if you compare them to the rest of Europe they are pretty easy. You don't have to be very active during the lessons. They grade you almost only at the writing exams.

Does the University organise activities? If so, what are they like?

Yes they do, or the student organisation HHUS does. It's everything from sport trips to bar activities.


Do you think there is a good quality of teaching?

Yes, but the it all comes down to which teacher you have. It's not an even standard.

Are there any stories you can share?

Almost every student at the university goes to the big sport facility next to the school, IKSU. This is where you hang out after school. But then you have all the student pubs at the campus, and if you live in a student apartment you almost also live at the campus. So you almost never go down to the city.

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