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Experience in University of Lisbon, Portugal by Francisco

Generally, what is University of Lisbon like?

The University of Lisbon is group of almost all colleges and faculties of Lisbon, they are scattered all over the city. There are two major centers, The University city (Cidade Universitária) which is the biggest and the Pólo da Ajuda, a bit far away from the city center. All of the universities are easy to reach because the city is well provided with bus and metro lines.


What are the facilities like?

I can talk about my faculty, ISCSP, is housed in its own building on the University Campus of the University at the Alto da Ajuda of the Technical University, featuring numerous spaces and equipment. With regard to academic spaces, ISCSP has a total of 40 classrooms, of which 5 are amphitheaters, spread over 4 floors. All rooms are equipped with overhead projectors, multimedia projectors and computers, offering projection capability from video or computer.

The ISCSP has a general library covering an area of 2, 029 m², with capacity for 194 simultaneous users, and four living rooms and three study rooms of diverse capacity to work continuously from 8:00 to 21:00. These rooms are also equipped to receive students suffering from motor disabilities.

The ISCSP also has centres for stationery, reprographics, a canteen-bar with supporting facilities, two ATM machines and a bank branch. The entire facility offers access to students with physical disabilities.


What are the tutors like?

It depends, you can find hard and demanding tutors or you can find more relax and easy one, you just have to be lucky.

Are the lessons easy in University of Lisbon?

My lessons are in general a bit hard but I also have other lessons that are easy. You have to study almost everyday for the hard ones, but it's not a hard study if you dedicate at least one hour for them, and take a lot of notes during the classes.

Does the University organise activities? If so, what are they like?

Yes, normally every university organises its own activities, like some trips, conferences, social gatherings and parties. In the month of May there is a week of concerts called Academic Week, every city in Portugal with universities does it, the most famous are in Lisbon, Porto and Coimbra.


Do you think there is a good quality of teaching?

Yes, very good quality.

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