Global Education Policies, Masters Degree Experience!
I am enrolled in a masters program caleld Education Policies for Global Development (GLOBED), The first semester was in Barcelona at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. There we had several courses including reseach methods, doing researhc, education policies, educational inequalities, actors in education and international development, and social justice.
The second semester splits students in two groups, with half of them going to the University of Amsterdam, and the other half to the University of Oslo. I have ended up in Amsterdam! Here I have been taking an online advanced reserch methods course. At the university in Amsterdam, we have been taking two main courses: critical debates on childhood pedagogy, and the politics of education and conflict in international development.
Before heading to do my friendwork for my thesis in September, I will be headint to paris this summer for an internship. I have met wonderful people and professors in the program and look forward to continuing on with it!
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