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Trontheim Erasmus (Spring or Autumn?)

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Im a german student who decided to go abroad with erasmus in the master degree. My first choice was Sweden, however i got my seccond choice, which is Trondheim. At this moment i am struggling a bit and i got a few questions and i would be grateful if anybody can help me:)

I applied for 15.04.2024 until 15.09.2024, however the study system in Norweign is different to the System in Germany. In Germany we got Summer and Winter semester, which isn´t the case in Norweign. There is Spring and Autumn Semester. So basically i don´t know how to handle that, because if i go in the time that i mentioned at the beginning, it would miss half of the Spring Semester. Has anybody got experience with that and call tell me how that works?:)

The second question is about your expereince. I´d like to know how good you would rate the courses for Engingeering (Mechatronic) and is there any course you can recommend?:) Also I´d like to know some things about the city itself. For me making expereinces, finding new friends and just having a good time is the main part for my Erasmus stay. So how did you connect with the people there, is there anything you can recommend to meet new people? Maybe like a place to go at the evenings to party or something else? What concerns me a little bit is the wether, because from what i heard it can be pretty "dark" there (not many sun). I go in the summer, so could you also tell me a little bit about that?

Sorry for some spelling mistakes, my english is a little bit rusty:) I am gratefull for any tips or any suggestions. I whish everybody a good stay and a great time!


Hey Leon,

My name is Sophie, I had the same struggle with Autumn/Spring semester as I attend an university in Austria. I also applied for NTNU and finally decided to apply for comming Autumn semester 2024 as it starts in the middle of August and ends in the middle of December. If I went in the spring semester (January until June) I would miss the whole January which is a very important month for final exams here. I don't miss any courses in the summer break as I have 3 months of summer break starting in the end of June. So I did not reall have a choice considering the fact that I don't want to miss a lot of courses at my home university. 

Some students claimed it would be nicer in the spring semester due to obvious reasons (darkness, snow,..). Still, in August and September the weather is for sure good enough to explore the country! Additionally, I like winter so it's even cooler for me. But most of the Erasmus students go there in the spring semester as it's not as dark and so on. (at least I heard that from NTNU students that stayed at my home university) I am sure you see more then! ;)

I don't know anything about places, parties to be ect. I'm sorry. However, Erasmus students will have an introduction within the first days and there are even so-called local "Erasmus-buddies" that will help you to fit in. I think making friends will be something that happens on its own if one is open minded. :) The Erasmus students from NTNU were sooo kind and open. 

Maybe we will meet within you last 2 months in Trondheim and catch up! :)

Have a great time and wishing you the best,

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