Exercising at Tidani
The introduction
Hello everyone, this is my another article about life in Georgia in general and how I get to spend my living days along and what I do every day or whatever. You know, sometimes it’s not that interesting at all, I mean, you just go somewhere and then get back home and do some things and then it’s already time to sleep and it’s when you don’t want to sleep and you just sit there and scroll on facebook or some websites and then the time goes by and you realize, that you have just been doing nothing for hours instead of sleeping and, you know, nothing’s better than a good night’s sleep and then you want to sleep well, but it’s already late for that good night’s sleep and so that you just get some hours of sleep and that’s all. Then it all starts again and you are just getting everything done the same, I guess. Well, people go to work, then come back home and then do that again. This is the routine, so that people just do that and they don’t have time for other things, if you want to know the truth.
Anyways, it has not been long since I went to this fitness center and I’ve been exercising there for some time now. Actually, it’s been a month already and I had this unlimited access there, I mean, I could go there every day except for weekends, because they are closed on weekends, and I was given this program and stuff and I do those exercises there and everything. They have pretty good staff , I can say and they get you all motivated and stuff like that and I was pretty determined to go there every day and exercise. Though I haven’t been there this couple of days, because it’s been freezing outside and I was just lazy to exercise there and then come outside in this freezing weather and go home.
How it all started
Well, to be honest, I really needed to do something, I mean, exercise or whatever. I used to run in the mornings during august, but it was not that good, you know. I only did that for two weeks or so and that was it. then we went to the seaside and I used to swim there a lot, however, then we went back and I didn’t do anything else then after that. You know, I used to be slim and stuff like that and I used to eat a lot and I didn’t get any fat, so that after enrolling the university I just continued living like that and some time later I just realized that I had some pretty bad kilos gained, I mean, I gained ten kilos , I guess. So, it was pretty bad, I just couldn’t really shake it off, could I ? so that I started dieting and stuff and that was my first time getting to know all those diets and everything and eating habits and healthy lifestyle and stuff like that. I did have a progress. I lost some kilos and then I even started HII trainings and I used to do them every 3 days in a week and run in the mornings and stuff like that and that everything was worth it, because I shredded some kilos. However, then it all started again and it was just going slowly, until this autumn, when I really got worried that I might gain that weight again. This was just ridiculous, I mean, I used to eat normally and healthy and stuff like that and I just couldn’t lose any weight, and what is more, I even gained some! I think the stress plays a major role in that, because I know, that I have much stress in every day life and even if I don’t want to, it just doesn’t go away, so that I’m like that every day and then the sleep is the major thing, too, and it’s like if you don’t sleep well, you are just in a high risk of getting fat.
Anyways, I saw this advertisement or whatever it is on Facebook and I clicked on it and I saw that they had some good offers and, besides, the fitness center was just nearby my apartment and they had only girls and women there and they offered individual exercising plans and programs and it sounded just great, so that I decided to go there and see what it looked like up close.
The environment was pretty good and the staff were really friendly and I just liked the situation, so that I decided to pay for my exercising there and start it right away. They took my measurements and gave the eating “menu” and explained some things and everything and the next day I would go there and exercise. The good thing about it was that I could go there whenever I wanted, I mean, they asked me about the time and I told them that I would be there at 3 p.m. , however, sometimes it was that I just couldn’t be there at that time, so that they had no problem, just showing up was the goal and exercising.
So that, everything went great and I would go there mainly in the evenings, because of my time schedule at the university. It was motivating _ exercising with other people and having an instructor teaching and instructing and everything and it was just really awesome , if you ask me. So that I was just waiting for the exercising to be over, however, I was pretty determined to come back there the next day again and exercise even more.
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