Experience in Strasbourg, France by Léa
How do you find living in Strasbourg? Do you recommend it? How is it?
Strasbourg is a very pleasant city and for a student, life in Strasbourg is great (it's a student city so there are many activities for students and student discounts).
How is student life in Strasbourg?
Very pleasant. The population is very young and Strasbourg loves its students and Erasmus students.
How are the living costs in Strasbourg?
Quite expensive if you're not a student but there are menus in the restaurants especially for students or for people under 25 years old. It's the same for outings to the museum or to the cinema, etc.
Was it hard to find accommodation in Strasbourg? Can you give any advice?
I live in my parents house but I know that cheap student accommodation can be found at CROUS.
How is the country's food? What are your favourite dishes?
Strasbourg is the country of good food. You need to eat choucroute!
Choucroute Garnie
Which places do you recommend visiting in Strasbourg?
The cathedral and the city's old centre, the Jardin de l'Orangerie and Krutenau (student area).
The Cathedral
And to eat in Strasbourg? Can you name your favourite places?
La Vignette in Robertsau, close to the European institutions.
Which places do you recommend to go out to party in Strasbourg?
The boats near to the student restaurant, Gallia.
Barco Latino
Any advice that you want to give to future students in Strasbourg?
There is always something to discover in Strasbourg!
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