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Erasmus Experience in Stillwater, United States by Joana

Why did you choose to go to Stillwater, United States?

When I started exploring universities where I could study abroad, I came across several. Ultimately, I chose Oklahoma State University in Stillwater because they offered amazing courses and conditions, the semester ended in time for me to do all my finals both in OSU and in my home university; it was also far away enough I knew I would have a drastic change and be able to test my limits.

How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?

I´m not here on a scholarship, I applied to an exchange program through Utrecht Maui and my home university is expected to give me 1500€ as a fund, which won´t even cover the rent for my dorm room but will help nonetheless.

What is the student lifestyle like in Stillwater?

Student lifestyle is somewhat just like the American movies. They study hard and play hard. The educational system is a completely different one from what I´m used to and I can say that although better, they´re hardcore. They have mandatory classes, mandatory books, weekly required reading and assignments and along with studying, many of them have part times too. There are fraternities and sororities, with their recruitments and initiations, they have parties in friend´s houses because it´s prohibited to drink and smoke on campus, especially if you´re under 21 years old, their cafeterias are open-spaced with several restaurants offering varieties such as Italian, Asian and Mexican. It´s also easier to strike conversations with strangers, the majority is friendly and will want to help you somehow.

Would you recommend the city and the University of Stillwater to other students?

Deeply, but only if they feel for an adventure. Going abroad shouldn´t be taken lightly, there are a lot of responsibilities. Your mentality is put to proof, and your personality counts to the way you view your surroundings. Even now, on my third week on the program, I still encounter problems I have to resolve on my own, in a different language and with people with different customs and expressions. Apart from the bureaucracies, it´s an extraordinary experience, you get to submerge in a different culture and see how it works, you can improve your language skills, make new friends with the most interesting backgrounds, and more importantly, you get to be lectured a life lesson.

What is the food like?

Personally, as a true Portuguese, I prefer the food from my country. In Stillwater, there are no oceans and rivers, so I was told right from the beginning, to not expect fresh fish. It´s now been two weeks since I last ate fish and soup, a terrible reminder when I have to pay for my meals. There is a lot of meat here, a lot, really. It wouldn´t be America if you didn´t see meat everywhere, that and sodas. The food is good, but for the most part, it´s also not healthy. Overall, it just depends on where I go to eat. There are many restaurants and there are many options to chose from.

Did it cost you to find your accommodation in Stillwater?

The exchange program helped me going through the steps of acquiring a room in one of their dorms and when I arrived at the airport on my first day, they picked me up and took me to my designated residence. I´m experiencing the typical American college experience, sharing a room with another person and living on campus with hundreds of other students. Currently, I´m paying $445 as a monthly rent, one of the cheapest.

How much does it cost to live in Stillwater?

As an exchange student in Fall Semester (August to December) I paid 1070€ for the flight ticket, I´m paying $2225 for rent, $573 for mandatory health care, $2400 for food, and maybe around $700 for personal expenses that I need and didn´t bring with me, or for doing activities like going to a shooting range. You´ll want to spend money on things you can have fun with. At the end of the trip, I´ll have a more concrete number.

Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available at the University?

I had English classes from 3rd to 11th grade, but still, speaking, hearing and reading a different language 24/7 can be stressful. Every day I try to improve myself in that department. Personally, I don´t find hard to understand, although my teachers can speak very fast at times. You have to take notes and study in English, and you have to do that on your own because you won´t have special treatment for being a student from another country. There are language courses available, but it would be easier to already know more than the basics since you would have assignments and deadlines, quizzes and exams beginning on the second week of your stay.

What's the easiest or most economical way to travel to Stillwater from your city?

Airplane, unless 36 hours on a trip won´t be enough for you.

Where would you recommend to go on a night out in Stillwater?

There are several events taking place on campus that´ll fill your days and nights. Then you have parties at the Greek houses, at friend´s houses, and at bars. If you are under 21 in the United States, it can be tricky. If you by chance go to a party, get drunk and get caught by the police, worst case scenario is you being deported. Not recommend. Always be careful, though, it´s still prohibited to act drunk and fall asleep on the sidewalks. On the other side, if you´re 21 or older, you have a street near campus full of bars, called The Strip. Weird, I know.

And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Stillwater?

Every restaurant is a good restaurant if you´re willing to pay for a delicious American meal. IHop, Fuzzy´s, Chick-fil-a along with all the other fast food restaurants, some local ones like Shortcake are pretty good, too.

What good cultural sites are there to visit?

There are some museums around, ponds, old buildings, the football stadium... anywhere is a good place to visit when you´re not from the United States and when you´re not used to this lifestyle.

Is there any other advice that you could give to students going to Stillwater in the future?

From past experience, pack light but don´t forget essentials.
Have an open mind, too, since you´re going to be in touch with a different environment and culture. There is a lot of people here, lots of diversity and opinions.
Be respectful and have fun.

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