Erasmus places Sofia
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Serdika is The first place that I have visited in Sofia, it is the center or the heart of the capital Sofia.. The most interesting thing there is that there is a great sign of peace and love which means "we have to respect other people believes and civilisations.. You...
Famous Restaurant in the City This is one of the most famous restaurants in the city. There is a total of 3 different places under the same name in the center of Sofia. Prices are not that high compared to other places in the heart of the capital. The service is very...
Mega Dance Center
If you're in Sofia and searching for a place to have fun, of course you've to go to Mega Dance Center where you could have a double shaked not mixed a glass of vodka with chills and olive and dance till you die. But please don't forget to take a spare of underwear...
Tea House
From Tabacco Factory to a Tea House The Tea House (Чай във Фабриката) is one of my favorite places in Sofia. It used to be a tabacco factory in the long gone past. Now-a-days it has turned into an amazing small tea house. Source The menue includes both...
Bio Cafetto
Bio Cafetto Source I love this place. It's cosy and soo nice. It offers recycled goods, such as wallets, second-hand books, and a delicious menu. Source The menu includes drinks only, the range goes from wine to hot chocolate, tea, juices and so on. Source There is...