Gag Adrian
Written 9 years ago
Hello I'm Adrian from Spain, Barcelona. I'll be at the technical university for the full next year. I realy don't know about stay at the stay at dormitories or a shared flat. At first my idea is stay the first month in studentsky grad and maybe later go to a shared flat!
Well, see you.
Michał Spodzieja
Written 9 years ago
Hi Everyone ! :)
At the end of September I and another guy, we are going to Sofia to study in the first semester at NBU.
I'm Michał, 23,, short hair, beard, green eyes, like beer, hate every else alcohol, love rock :P Don't like clubs, but like pub and outdoor.
He's Patryk, 22, details - no idea.
He's now student of III year of Bachelor at Tourism and Recreation, I'm on the I year of Master at International Tourism, so, as you can see, we love traveing and during our stay in Sofia, we want to explore the city, the country, the surrounding countries. I'm writting thesis about hitchkihing, so in a way I want also travel like this. And in general anywhere you want to go, I wanna to go with you to new places if you want to :) Anywhere, anytime.
Semestr begins in October, but we want to arrive early to know the city, meet some people and find a place to stay. I think flat it's a better option to live togehter with other Erasmus students than staying in a dorm, and it's a greater freedom.
We speak english, not so perfect, but we can get along. See you in Sofia, or earlier :)
Peter Figeľ
Written 9 years ago
Hey guys;
Michal; even when you live in a dorm, you stay with erasmus students - they have sections for erasmus in the dorms, or so i've heard, just FYI.
Enjoy your summer and brace yourselves, winter is coming :D
Oriane Comtet
Written 9 years ago
Hello everyone !
I'm Oriane, a 22 yo French student and I'll be in Sofia for the full course (October-June or July, can't remember exactly) I'll be studying at St. Kliment Ohridski, mostly in the Classic & Modern Philology Faculty.
I'm looking for a flat to share as well as I'm not really willing to live with a random person in 10sqm as the university suggests. I speak French (obviously), English, Russian (but like, a bit) and German (but so bad it's a shame). I'm thinking about arriving like, 10 days before courses start - at the end of September - so if you need a roomate I'll be glad to be yours !
I'm also fond of Game of Thrones, belgian beers, I'm more the type of person who go into pubs than clubs, my favourite bands are Joy Division, Queen, Arctic Monkeys, AC/DC, Franz Ferdinand, The Clash and others. (And Taylor Swift when I'm pretty drunk)
Don't hesitate to contact me ! xx
Peter Figeľ
Written 9 years ago
Hey Oriane,
Let me just say I think you won the internet today with the 'I'm fond of Game of Thrones' comment! :D I mean - who's not? that's an instant ice-breaker :D Danny FTW! haha
Oriane Comtet
Written 9 years ago
Hi Peter,
Well, thanks a lot haha I still have reluctant friends who don't watch GoT. Like, HOW CAN YOU? I don't understant. You can't get your life together until you watched it x)
laura skotniczna
Written 9 years ago
Hi everyone:)
Me and my boyfriend will be in Sofia for first semester. I'll be studying at University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy and he at University of National and World Economy.
We're looking for a flat and flatmate. :)
Contact me, if anyone is interested :)
Hassan Malik
Written 9 years ago
Hi im Haider im from UK and I am going to the medical univerity of Sofia this year for Dentistry
Oscar Mora
Written 9 years ago
I'm from Spain, and I am going to Sofia next February. Is anyone going there too?
Viktorio Nitov
Written 9 years ago
Hey guys :) I am Viktorio Nitov from Bulgaria :) I was living year and a half in Paris,France and I love traveling. I came back to Sofia,Bulgaria for many reasons. if anyone is comming in Sofia and is looking for a place to stay i can help :) I can show you the city and everything. I just want to say that I love to make new friendships with people from all over the world and also i like helping people :) If you need some help and also to meet a new friend here in Sofia, I am your guy :) Contact if you are looking for a friend here :P See you in Sofia :)