Erasmus blog Samoa
Samoa part III Savai'i
On the ferry, it was so freezing cold that after that one hour drive, we were all so happy to be on land again. But it had been nice to see the island from the sea and to observe some flying fishes, it was the first time that I saw them in reality. The first problem,...
0 0 , 8 years ago -
Samoa part II Upolu
Now, time for some general information! Samoa consists of nine islands in total, the two biggest and well known ones are the main islands and are called Upolu, the bigger one with the Airport and capital, and Savai'i, where you can get by ferry. We were still on Upolu...
0 0 , 8 years ago -
Samoa part 1: Camp Samoa
Holiday time! Now, you will say we are already on holiday. But, honestly, you cannot call half a year holiday, that’s already life and being a tourist can get exhausting, so you need some holidays from the holidays. We decided to go to the islands of Samoa. We left...
0 0 , 8 years ago