Natalia A.
Written 12 years ago
Thank u girls soo kind of u!
I´ll do that Jennifer! thx for the suggestion!
Jennie dir hab ich mein Leid schon in einer privaten message mitgeteilt! Danke dir aufjedenfall dass du dir die Zeit für mich nimmst! Echt super lieb von dir wirklich :)
Im gonna join the group right nowwwwwwwww :D
Eva E
Written 12 years ago
Heeyy today I heard I can go yaayyy so very excited haha! I can't seem to find the Facebook group though?
Rocío Acedo
Written 12 years ago
Hi!! We are looking for a flatmate who wants tu live in the city centre, in a very big and confortable flat , two minutes walking from the Plaza Mayor.
The flay fully equiped, with a huge kitchen and living room. The flat has 5 rooms and two bathrooms.
We are mostly looking for someone who is gping to be in Salamanca until the beginning of the summer.
The price is 180e.
Feel free to contact us anytime!
Rocío Acedo
Written 12 years ago
We are lookin for a flatmate who wants to live in the city centre, in a very big and confortable flat, two minutes walking from the Plaza Mayor.
The flat is fully equiped, with a huge kitchen and living room, 5 rooms and two bathrooms. And the price is only 180e :)
We are mostly looking for someone who is going to be un Salamanca until the beginning of the summer.
Feel free to contact us anytime!!!
María San
Written 12 years ago
Hi girls!!
My name is María, I study Psychology in Salamanca, but I'm from Valladolid. This academic year i am studing in Poitiers (France), as an Erasmus Student!!the experience is amazing!!
I'm sorry for my english, but right now i can only think in french!!Lol
So, i can't wait for meeting you there, i would like to help you as much as i can, so don't hesitate, ask me everything!! :)
Julie Out
Written 12 years ago
Hola! I'm studying communication at Sapienza university of Rome. In september I will be living in Salamanca! I think I'll probably stay there for 10 months, I would like to share a flat with other erasmus students, not with italians because I have to learn the language :)
I'm 22, italian from tuscany...good in cooking and very friendly. My english is not very good but at the moment better than my spanish(I haven't started the course yet!)
see you soon!
Written 12 years ago
Julie, which uni will you be going to? Because the Pontificial uni does a lot of communication studies and I don't know anyone else there yet! (I'm going to that one). I'm also glad your Spanish isn't all that great, because nor is mine :)
Julie Out
Written 12 years ago
Hi! I believe that I will follow most of the courses by faculty of 'publicidad'... Only one by te faculty of 'periodismo' and nothing by the other... My faculty in italy is a mix of all the 3 pontificia's faculties...But I'll do my study plans better when there will be the correct next year timetable! Because some of the courses I'll have to follow are of the 1st year, some of the 2nd, 3rd... A mess! But I have hope ;) and you!? What will you do? X
Mary Hassan
Written 12 years ago
Has anybody heard/ read anything about the halls of residence in Salamanca? There are so many!
Melanie Schwinghammer
Written 12 years ago
Hi Mary,
residence halls are really expensive in Spain and mostly you have to do an interview with the head of it.
I think there is no dormitory that costs less than 600 Euros/month..
So maybe it would be better to live in a shared flat.
Have a look
Written 12 years ago
Holaa! Yeah I can understand it's probably very scary for your daughter, but I bet she'll pick up the language fast, kids always do! Then she'll be fluent and that's such an advantage for her!
Don't worry about being a begginer, from what everyone is saying, I think a lot of us are. Puts me at ease from worrying about sitting in Spanish lectures and being the only person not understanding anything! Glad I wont be the only one :)
Luke Staples
Written 12 years ago
Hola Jennifer! I am just like you, studying at USAL in 2012/13 for the year, and I also am the only one from my uni going! Nice to meet you :)
6 hours a week plus 4 weeks intensive is more than enough! I started learning last year and have been taking Spanish courses as part of my degree. Everyone says you pick up the language living there, and some Erasmus students go knowing barely any of the language, so I think we will be fine :) In classes I'll probably do what I did in my first year and just spend the time daydreaming haha!
My department (Classics) is very close to your Pontificial Uni, near the cathedral apparently. I haven't looked into it too much yet as I'm in the middle of my exams, but I have gleaned that private accommodation rent in the area is less than €300 per month. Muy baratos!
Mary Hassan
Written 12 years ago
Hey Fabiola!
That's really cool I was working in Morristown, NJ last summer! Loved Jersey! I was really torn too, but I've decided on going to one of the all inclusive dorms just because its so much easier to organise, and the locations tend to be pretty good. Since I don't really know Salamanca it just seemed like the better option for me. Apartments are a lot cheaper though, it looks like you'll get more for your money if you share a flat!
Written 12 years ago
I will be staying in Salamanca for 10 months starting from September.
I will be studing in the faculty of law and I have no idea which courses should I pick. My spanish level is somewhere between level A.2 - B.1,
Are there any law courses which are suitable for foreign students and are there any courses that are held in English?
Feel free to reply :)
Pedro Medina
Written 12 years ago
I can recommendmea goodwebsite tofind accommodation
you enjoyyour stay inSalamanca
Niele Eecken
Written 12 years ago
Next year i'm also going to Salamanca, but i'm only going the first semester. Does anyone know if you can take a languagecours there? Because i don't yet speak spanish..
i also aksed to join the fbgroup.
Melanie Schwinghammer
Written 12 years ago
Hi Niele :)
Are you going to study at USAL?
When you fill in the application form you can choose to do a Spanish course at the bottom of the page.
If you study at UPSA there are language courses too and you can ask Jennifer about it :)
Ana Cochofel
Written 12 years ago
Hi guys!
I´m going to study in Salamanca in the next semester and i want to know you! I´m searching for a house, if you know and are also in the same position as me, contact me! :) Ana
Pedro Medina
Written 12 years ago
I have found a very interesting site to find accommodation in Salamanca is