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Erasmus Experience in Reykjavík, Iceland by Timotheos

Published by flag-au Timotheos Palmer — 3 years ago

0 Tags: flag-is Erasmus experiences Reykjavík, Reykjavík, Iceland

Why did you choose to go to Reykjavík, Islandia?

Iceland's culture and heritage attracted me, along with its unique landscapes and wilderness. I did my research before coming, and I knew that Iceland was a welcoming, responsible and inclusive society which really proved its worth during the covid-19 crisis. Reykjavik and Iceland are not overcrowded like most cities/nations and had a relaxed charm about it.

How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?

I received a small scholarship which covered my flights here from Australia, but I had a student allowance from Australia, and some savings which helped make my time here comfortable

What is the student lifestyle like in Reikiavik?

The student life is the best thing about Reykjavik! All the local students are easy to befriend, and the international students are all so happy to be here. There are many like-minded students here who appreciate nature and have a positive attitude on life. There are regular social activities at the university as well as many opportunities to attend social gatherings at student accommodation or friends’ houses.

Would you recommend the city and the University of Reikiavik to other students?

Yes, I would highly recommend Reykjavik. The society is friendly and welcoming and sits in one of the most developed nations on Earth. There are sometimes many tourists in the central township area, but while I was here during the covid-19 crisis, there were only a few international visitors (yes there were still visitors allowed from the EU/UK) so there were more locals to meet.

What is the food like?

Icelandic food is nice to try, but there are international food options available. The locals do like Domino's pizza however haha. I cooked mostly at home as I love to cook. So it was Thai, Indian, Italian, Chinese, and Aussie BBQ for me most nights!

Did it cost you to find your accommodation in Reikiavik?

I initially found a studio apartment, but after one month I decided to move into shared student accommodation through the university. This was the best thing I could do! I had a new apartment complex and shared a huge apartment with 7 other students from Iceland and around the world. I had my own room and private bathroom, but also was able to socialize and relax with my housemates who became great friends. We would sometimes have guests over for a sushi night or small party and we all had a great time!

How much does it cost to live in Reikiavik?

Reykjavik is said to be expensive, and food was pricier than in Australia, but I found everything else fair in price. The Straeto bus transport card, gym membership, entry into swimming pool etc. were all well priced I thought.

Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available at the University?

Icelandic was not the easiest language for me to learn, but I soon picked up a few essential words haha. The Icelanders, however, are generally very fluent in English as they learn it very early in school. All the main government offices and buildings, shops, etc. that I went to spoke English well. Being a huge tourist destination, this is also not surprising.

What's the easiest or most economical way to travel to Reikiavik from your city?

I bought a 6-month Straeto bus card which was approx. US$200, which allowed me unlimited travel on the buses here. The bus system is efficient and on time, and I would often get buses to shopping centers, the gym, swimming pool, IKEA, or to the outskirts of town to explore nature.

Where would you recommend to go on a night out in Reikiavik?

I did not go out too much as my studies were taking precedence, and drinks in the tourist areas can be expensive, but I would often go to the University Bar "the Cellar" or go for walks with friends. The Magic Ice Bar was a good place to have a drink on a friend's birthday.

And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Reikiavik?

There are many good restaurants and bars in Reykjavik. I had a local mobile phone SIM called NOVA, which gave many 2-for-1 deals at many food outlets and restaurants (even Jaimie's Italian restaurant). I did however like the Lebowski Bar! the burgers were great and the deals were good too.

What good cultural sites are there to visit?

I got a good dose of culture by travelling around Iceland after my exams, and I also had many Icelandic friends, but there is an art gallery, the huge and modern Harpa Concert Hall, and many small museums around Reykjavik.

Is there any other advice that you could give to students going to Reikiavik in the future?

Meet as many local students as you can as Icelanders love to show off their beautiful country, and before you know it you will be on road trips exploring places that few tourists get to see! Try get out into the shopping malls, grocery stores, recreational areas, pools, gyms etc. where the local people mostly go, as you will enjoy the place much more, as the locals know where all the best places to shop, relax and have fun are! Don't come as a tourist, come as someone who wants to be part of society while you are here, and your experience will be all the more authentic!

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