Daniel Wieczorek Written 11 years ago
Hello everybody! For the record: I'm not actually an Erasmus student, just finished and writing my thesis. The company I work for happends to send me on a three month intership to Rennes. I'd really like to join Erasmus people as I'm in the same situation, going to o foreign country with no language and no contacts. Hope to meet somebody who knows the city, interesting places. Please speak up if you will :)
Chandrabhan Nathawat Written 11 years ago
Hi all I am Former Erasmus student in France. I have started this personal blog on Europe, Erasmus and Travelling. I hope you would love my posts and I would try to provide as much info as possible. I would regulalry updae it with all useful information. So just check it regulalry and spread words about it
Quentin Bohuon Written 10 years ago
Bonjour !! I've been living for 6 months in the US (NY state). I've also traveled in the UK for 2 months. Now that I'm not living abroad, meeting new people and things like that, I feel like my life becomes boring. With exchange student friends of mine, we'd like to practise our english, going out, to party and take people to different places to make them discover the city. So if you are interested in meeting "cool people" (joke), feel free to add me on FB. Ps: hope you enjoy your staying