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  • Instituto Ricardo Brennand

    For art and history lovers, this Institute is a must-go place, once in Recife.  It is a castle, located in a huuuge park, and it includes the enormous collection of business man Ricardo Brennand.  The place, all in all, is really nice, and I think it represents an...

    0 , in What to do Recife, 6 years ago
  • Olinda (city)

    Last time I went to Brazil I had the luck to stay at a friend's place, who showed me many places for locals, and even drove me to Olinda: a colorful pearl. All you have to do to enjoy Olinda is go walking. Really!  Explore every little street, every corner and every...

    0 , in What to see Recife, 6 years ago
  • Oficina Brennand

    A magic place! Without any doubt, this is one of my favourite places on Earth.  It is really simplistic to talk about it as an art gallery, because this is a whole piece of territory - a sort of neighborhood - filled with the artworks of just one man: Francisco...

    0 , in What to see Recife, 6 years ago

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