And it starts..

An then it's the 3rd of August - the first day of my internship at Tenerife. I could hardly sleep the night before and I was very, very excited! 

All the weeks before I tried to imagine how it might look like in the office, how the people might be like, what I would be doing for the next six months. But of course, I couldn't be sure or come to a conclusion. 

The human resorces lady from the company told me that she would come to fetch me by car for my first day in front of my hotel. So (German as I am) I stood there almost 20 minutes too early and waited. And waited. And waited. Finally, only 2 minutes too late, she came, was waving and smiling at me and from one second to the other I felt a bit better already. But of course, the excitment stayed. We drove to the office and were talking a bit about my first week here. She told me that she brought something to eat for me, too, for lunch which I found really really nice. I would never have expected that. But I didn't bring anything so it was quite good for me. 

Then we entered into the office. I met the two other German interns, they were very nice and welcomed me warmly. The other people were not there yet, and my computer was not working, so I was just shown around the office a bit and sat down next to the intern. So we talked a bit, I asked her what I will be doing and she showed me some easy things. My excitement was decreasing a bit, fortunately, and I was looking forward to meeting the others. One hour later there was the weekly meeting were I met all the others, including my boss and his wife. Everyone was talking about what they had to do the following week and what were their tasks. I didn't understand anything. They just asked me to tell some things about myself and so I introduced myself shortly. At that moment I thought I could like it here

The whole day was very confusing and exhausting for me - so many new things, so many languages - we are acutally speaking English, German, French and Spanish in the office! But actually, that's what I loved most since the first day. So the other two interns were introducing me a bit to the work and tasks, showed me important things and I started to understand things. 

It was a nice start to my new adventure in Tenerife and I still love the people and the atmosphere there. But I didn't know which adventures would wait for me during the next 6 months..

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