Adventures at the Secret Beach

With time passing by so quickly it was hard to miss anyone or think about how far I was away from home. I got to know more and more (German) people that were doing their internships here and suddenly I started to wish some more freetime for myself. But I thought I would have times with a lot of freetime and then I would wish having enjoyed the time with the others, so I tried to go to every event and enjoy the time. 

Unfortunately almost all the people I met and got to know told me that they had already been at Tenerife for several months and that they would leave soon. So I was a bit afraid that I would be left there alone after some weeks again. But well, I know, better enjoy the time and don't think too much. So, one weekend we decided to go to a "Secret Beach" and stay there for one night - looking at the stars, doing a campfire, sleeping at the beach. I had to buy some things because actually among all my clothes there was not so much space for camping equipment, and fortunately a colleague from work rent us two tents. So we started Saturday afternoon and went about 1 hour to that beach. It was end of August, so you can imagine how hot it was to walk one hour with 2 bags full of things with the sun still high in the sky. But it was a quite cool adventure feeling and finally we had almost arrived - we just had to get down a sand-hill. "Just". So that was what the one guy meant with "it's not that easy to arrive there". Well, it was not funny to walk down there slowly with all those things and being afraid to fall down, but finally we all arrived safely and were happy to be there. 


It was a really, really beautiful beach - wide, without rocks, nice waves and clear water. There were only no people there (what I could understand quite good after having seen the way down) and weather was still great. So we put on our bathing clothes and went straight into the water. As Puerto de la Cruz has almost no nice beaches and most of the time with rocks, it was so nice to just go into the water without having to look for rocks first. We enjoyed our time in the water until it started to get dark a bit, so we decided to eat something and start building up the tents. After everything was ready we sat together, talked, enjoyed the nature and went to search wood for a small fire. That was not too easy, because it was a beach - without forest around. But we found something and after about 1 hour there was a small fire. It was dark and the stars started to appear - it was so beautiful! But it became quite cold - I would never have expected that it would become so cold during an August night. 


Suddenly, we heard a weird noise. It came from the stone wall behind us. It continued but nobody of us could figure out what it was. Later, we saw birds flying around, but the sound was not like of a bird. It sounded more like bats. It was like "wenga-wenga-wenga". A bit creepy because we couldn't see anything. The other campers around us were pointing their torches in the direction of the noise and one could see some birds again. So it was really the sound of a bird! 

After some time we went into the tents to sleep a bit because we were all tired of the long walk and it was quite cold now. As usual - camping is not very comfortable and with the noisy birds outside that didn't stop during the whole night nobody could really sleep. Additionally it was cold as hell! 


Finally, the night was over and the sun was rising slowly. Everyone was still tired but it was too uncomfortable to continue sleeping, so we enjoyed the morning at the beach, ate something and had a bath in the sea. When the sun finally arrived it became incredibly hot from one moment to the other. But we wanted to stay a bit longer, so we enjoyed the sun, went into the water several times (even if the waves were quite large which made me loose my sunglasses..) and in the afternoon we decided to leave because we were all quite tired and had to work the next day. The way back was even worse and more exhausting because we were already tired and the sun in the afternoon was so aggressive. When I arrived at my appartment I just took a quick shower and fell directly into my bed - I didn't move for hours, until I became hungry. 


So even if it was quite exhausting it was an unique experience to pass a night at the beach and I am so happy that I joined the others. Furthermore, it made time pass by and suddenly it was two days before my birthday! 

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