Experience in Prague, Czech Republic by Kateřina
What is it like to live in Prague? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?
Live in Prague is like living in world of thousands possibilities. You can think about whatever you want to do and you will find it in there.
What is the student lifestyle like in Prague?
Depends on school, how hard you need to study, anyway students find time for great parties, evening actions, culture events or different trips,...
How much does it cost to live in Prague?
Compare with other cities in central Europe, Prague is in average. For room in city center you will pay around 200 euro, but dorms are much cheaper. Food and drinks are cheaper, I think that Prague in only one place where you will pay less for beer than for water. Better to find students bar or places not really in center.
Is it difficult to find accommodation in Prague? Is there any advice you can give?
There are so many websides to find room of flat and many of them works in english (sreality.cz, easyroomate.com, espolubydlici.com) or in universities you can find many papers searching for roommate,...
What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?
There are some typicall czech food (usually meat and some cream, like Svíčková or Rajská,...) than potatoes dishes (Bramborák) But you can find also great pizzeries, turkish, indian food in Prague
What places would you recommend visiting in Prague?
Most of the culture places (Prague Castle, Petřín, Old squarre, Vyšehrad) some muzeum are really interesting (especially Technical muzeum with new exhibition) you can also visit some sport events (Sparta Praha - fotball, Lev Praha - ice hockey, USK - basketball and many others) You shouldn´t miss great clubs in center or partie on a boat on the Vltava river
Is it good to eat out in Prague? Can you tell us your favourite spots?
Out of Prague, there are everything much cheaper than in touristic center of Prague, so I definitelly recommandong to get out from the city, you can get by train to other cities (Beroun, Poděbrady, Kutná hora, Pardubice, Brno, Ostrava,...)
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