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Erasmus Experience in Prague, Czech Republic by Guillermo

Published by flag-es Guillermo Chamón — 4 years ago

0 Tags: flag-cz Erasmus experiences Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

Why did you choose to go to Prague, Czech Republic?

Because I wanted to do an ijnternship in a very important company that is there.

How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?

I was there for 3 months and I received about 1,500 € more or less, I don't remember very well, but it was enough to stay there eating everydays and paying the rent xD.

What is the student lifestyle like in Prague?

Well, I was not studying there so I cannot really tell. But I shared a flat with two medicine studentes. They told me that they went to prague because medicine was quite easier there. They looked very happy anyway :)

Would you recommend the city and the University of Prague to other students?

I'd recommend the city to anyone, student or not. Never stepped into the university, but for sure that is very cool!

What is the food like?

It surprised me because It was better than I expected. They have a lot of variety and is not expensive. I used to eat out almost two or three days a week because I wanted to try as many of different local plates that i could while I was there, but I recommend too get a dictionary with you if you don't want to make a mess with the meal xDD

Did it cost you to find your accommodation in Prague?

Well I wanted to get a flat before I arrived there, so I looked a lot into internet and there were a lot of offers, but I don't know why many of the announcers didn't answer my emails. Was not until 1 week before I got the plane that I managed to talk to a guy who wanted to rent me a room in his flat, but it was quite expensive (9000 crowns per month). I stayed there for some time and then I moved to other flat in the same area for almost half of the price. So my advice is that if you are able to, start with something for very short term, like hostels or a room for one month, and once you are there start looking for something more suitable for you, because once you are there you are going to find a lot of more offers than if you look only in internet.

How much does it cost to live in Prague?

The most important cost that you will have to face is the rent. But I think that you can find very good things if you search for them. There you go a list of some prices for you to make an idea:

A room in a shared flat near the center: 4000-5000 crowns per month

Lunch in a restaurant: 500 crown more or less (depending on the restaurant of course)

Beer in a pub: 50 crowns

Music concert: 50-1000 crowns!

So the thing is that expending less than 500 euros per month, you can live pretty well, going out at nights and eating very well.

Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available at the University?

The language is quite difficult. Well it was for me at least. I think people from poland or russia will get it easier because it's quite similar. But for people of other countries... good luck! There were some schools that looked very nice, but I didn't want to spend money in that, so I started to look for free courses in internet I found some, but I don't remember them so I can't tell you :(. Anyway, I didn't learn very much because I was there only for three months, but if you plan to stay longer, it will be good for you to learn at least some words, it will help you to make friends and do the shopping hahaha.

What's the easiest or most economical way to travel to Prague from your city?

I'm from Madrid so I went by plane. I'm not sure but I think that I paid like 100 euros for the flight with all the taxes and two pieces of baggage.

Where would you recommend to go on a night out in Prague?

Mmmm I like to club a lot so my favorite place was Cross Club, it's very cool inside so you cannot miss it! And I also used to go a lot to Palace Akropolis and Roxy Club. If you are more a pub person of course there are a lot of them, but I recommend you to go to the center, they are more lively and in some of them you can listen to live music.

And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Prague?

I don't remember anyone, but best option is asking the locals.

What good cultural sites are there to visit?

Cathedral of Prague, Kafka house... I don't know. There are plenty of places to visit, but I'm not very much into that, I prefer the clubs xDD.

Is there any other advice that you could give to students going to Prague in the future?

Don't cross the crosswalks with red light for pedestrians. You'll get a penalty! xDD

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