Experience in Polytechnic Institute of Milan, Italy by Zhazira
Generally, what is Politecnico di Milano like?
In one word, it was good.
What are the facilities like?
Urbanization and architecture.
What are the tutors like?
All tutors explain everything well. They also speak English and everything was clear to understand.
Are the lessons easy in Politecnico di Milano?
Teachers' explanations were good, but sometimes the lectures were complicated, however the lessons were very interesting.
Does the University organise activities? If so, what are they like?
I did not participate in the activities at the university. Some events were organised there, but I was unable to walk back then so I did not take part in them.
Do you think there is a good quality of teaching?
Of course, there is a good knowledge of the English language and all the lectures were easy to understand.
Are there any stories you can share?
Studying in Milan was quite quiet and not much was happening there. Nevertheless, I was very happy to visit that place.
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Content available in other languages
- Español: Experiencia en el Instituto Politécnico de Milán (Italia) por Zhazira
- Italiano: Esperienza all'Istituto Politecnico di Milano, Italia di Zhazira
- Français: Expérience de Zhazira à l'institut Polytechnique de Milan, Italie
- Polski: Doświadczenia na Politechnice w Mediolanie, Włochy oczami Zhaziry
- Português: Experiência no Instituto Politécnico de Milão, Itália por Zhazira
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Comments (1 comments)
Hi Zhazira,do you have idea what are the opportunities of getting job after completing masters of civil engineering in Polytechnic Institute of Milan