Experience in Polytechnic Institute of Milan, Italy by Serhat
Generally, what is Polytechnic Institute of Milan like?
It is like a real campus life especially in Bovisa.
What are the tutors like?
The tutors are really cool and they help the students very much.
Are the lessons easy in Polytechnic Institute of Milan?
Unfortunately they are not easy.
Does the University organise activities? If so, what are they like?
Yes they organize good activities but you need some free time to go, and I doubt you will have some pare time.
Do you think there is a good quality of teaching?
Teaching is really professional there.
Are there any stories you can share?
I have really good memories. You should give a try.
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Content available in other languages
- Italiano: L'esperienza di Serhat al Politecnico di Milano, Italia di Serhat
- Español: Experiencia en el Instituto politécnico de Milán, Italia por Serhat
- Polski: Doświadczenia z Politechniki Mediolańskiej, Włochy, autor: Serhat
- Français: Expérience à l'institut polytechnique de Milan, Italie par Serhat
- Türkçe: Milan, İtalya Teknik Okulu Tecrübesi Serhat tarafından
- Português: Experiência no Instituto Politécnico de Milão, Itália por Serhat
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Comments (4 comments)
Hi Serhat, do you know how is the School of Design at Politecnico of Milan? I am a student of Fine Arts in Spain and next year I'll be going on Erasmus, I want to know if the academic level is very high, how are the classes .... And how is Erasmus people treated especially. Thank you very much in advance.
Hi Sofia, some of my friends were studying at the design school and their works were very impressive and creative. Campus life is nice and people are very friendly to erasmus students. Academic levels are very high most of students get motivated by school to do professional practice in many design studios in Milan. So they have also some links to find internships. I am pretty sure it would be a very challenging and good experience. Also Italy especially Milano, has many inspirational places to observe. Wıth lots of nice free museum for students for Polimi(Politecnico di Milano) student. As I said on the survey, Erasmus organizations do a lot of events to make new friends but sometimes you may not have to follow them. I have studied architecture there, Milano Erasmus times were very specials. I hope this helps little bit.
*** As I said on the survey, Erasmus organizations do a lot of events to make new friends but sometimes you may not have to follow them because you will be studying hard
Hi Serhat,what are the opportunities of getting job after completing masters of civil engineering in Polytechnic Institute of Milan