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I want to find a house NOW!

Looking for Erasmus friends

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Hey guys,

I am a 21 year old British girl andI am currently in Paris doing 5 months internship for my Year Abroad as part of my studies.

I am desperately looking for accommodation if anyone has any hints or tips? I have been here for almost a month and still have nowhere to live!

If there are any Eramus students who have any good ideas for socialising too I would really appreciate it, I still haven't discovered the fun places to go out in Paris!



Hi. If you're looking for a place with eramsmus students you can check out here on erasmusu, but you can also find on leboncoin.fr and also appartager.com. If you're looking to make new friends, i'm up to that, i'm currently in Paris doing my exchange programme, don't know too many people also so it would be nice to meet you.

Hey :) 

My friend and I are in Paris for 3 months from Malta and wouldnt mind meeting up :) 


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