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Accomodation/ logement a Paris

Showing 21-32 of 32 entries

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Hi everybody!! Im going to Paris me too! I will go from January 2011 to june for erasmus (paris 13).
anybody is leaving his room in january? i'm looking for a room but still havent found anything! :(
if you know anybody, please let me know,
merci beaucoup!
au revoir!

I may have my room available after I leave, in february, but I'm not sure yet. It's a nice small room in Montparnasse, if you're interested tell me something

Hi everyone. I am also looking for a room in paris. Can you help me please? How much is the rent of a room per month(more or less)?
Thank you
[email protected]

Hello ! I am going to Paris as well (from January 2011 till June 2011) an I am looking for appartment possibillities. Is there anyone leaving Paris so that I can take his / her room ? Contact me at: [email protected]

Hi everyone:)
I ve got the same problem, no room for my summer semestre in Paris 13 (10.1- june 2011)....So if you have any ideas (studio/room/collocation etc.) please contact me at: [email protected]
thanks / merci beaucoup ;))

hello:D is anyone going to Paris X nanterre?:P

I m looking for a room in Marne la vallee (35 minutes drive from Paris) From May to July 2011 can anybody help me?


Hi! I'm going to move to Paris next September (2011), till June 2012. I'd like to share an appart with other international students, in the city center. If anyone is looking for a flatmate, contact me, please!

I'm looking for accommodation in Paris from september 2011,untill June 2012.
I would a place for three people, who are classmates.
If you are interested you can contact me here or add me on facebook... Alfio Martinez del Villar.

Hi, I'm looking for accommodation in Paris from september 2011,until summer 2012. add me and we can talk either through skype or facebook. Cya

i will do my erasmus in paris in architecture de belleville from septembre 2011 until 2012!!!!!
i m looking for a flatmate and i m interesting in renting a appartment inn paris 1,2,3,4,9,10,11!!!!
If you are interested you can contact me here or add me on facebook....foteini miltiadou....
sse u

Hi everyone!
I'm a 23 italian student.
I'm moving to Paris for the first accademic semester (september-february/march). I study audiovisual communication and I'm looking for other erasmus student for share an accomodation and also for some friends with who spend some great and funny time in Paris.
I can say about me that I'm quiet and respectful of others, helpful and I?M A VERY GOOD ITALIAN COOKER (my pasta is legendary)!
So if you are interesting to share your accomodation or to loof for one together...I'm very happy to do this!
Contact me:
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: La Unda (i'm the only one....i've a green photo).
Bye and I hope to see you soon!!

Showing 21-32 of 32 entries

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