Tourism Nantes, the most popular

Published by flag- Raquel — 14 years ago

Blog: Vida en Nantes (Raquel en)
Tags: flag-fr Erasmus blog Nantes, Nantes, France

In Nantes there are a lot of things to see, not only the more turistic, there are a lot of parks very nice, lots of places to walks, to eat........

I begin for the most popular and also they are things that if you come to Nantes, you may visit.

They are so many cathedrals but the most popular is in the centre, near la Place Royale. You may see it, in the stop of tramway Commerce (centre ville).

The castle is near the other cathedral (notre dame) and in front of the fabric of biscuits LU. To visit it you must stop in ligne 3 du tramway, stop Chateau.

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