Come to Nantes

Published by flag- Raquel — 14 years ago

Blog: Vida en Nantes (Raquel en)
Tags: flag-fr Erasmus blog Nantes, Nantes, France

Nantes is one ville so nice, there are a lot of students and it has got a lot of activities: sports, theatre, cinema, concierts each weekend of all kind of music....

If you are thinking of come here, you are rignt, it's a good place to live and studing.

Comments (2 comments)

  • flag- jose manuel 14 years ago

    que dices tia no hay quien entienda una mierda mejora tu ingles y despues hablas...

  • flag- Raquel 14 years ago

    ...chema aprende ingles primero, puede que luego lo entiendas ;) tu puedes!

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