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  • Gole Alcantara

    Gole Alcantara If you are living in Sicily island, you should visit Gole Alcantara. It takes 30 minutes from Taormina to arrive there. It is a botanical and geological Park near the Etna Mountain. When the volcano erupted in the past, the lava created a unique ballast...

    0 , in What to see Messina, 7 years ago
  • Wunderbar

    If you are going to visit Sicily any time soon, I am sure you will go visit the most famous places of the island, Palermo, Catania, Syracuse and others. Messina is usally nice to visit, but Taormina is a must to see.  Source:http://travelaway.me/taormina-sicily/  With...

    0 , in Cafe, cocktail, beer Messina, 9 years ago

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