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Erasmus experience in Lublin, Poland by Martin

Why did you choose to go to Lublin, Poland?

To discover Polish culture.

How long is your stay? How much help do you get?

First semester with 560 € (80% of the Erasmus state scholarship, the rest of it I'll get in June).


How is student life and atmosphere in Lublin?


Would you recommend the city and University of Lublin to other students?

Of course!

How is the food in this country?

It depends, you have to find good places.

Was it hard finding accommodation in Lublin?

A little, but a Polish friend helped me.

What is the cost of life in Lublin?

I live with 250 € per month, plus 100 € for rent.

How was learning the language? Have you been to language courses organized by the university?

I don't speak Polish, just English.

What is the cheapest way to get to Lublin from your city?

Plane to Warsaw, then train to Lublin.

What places would you recommend to party in Lublin?

Shine, U szewca, Klub 68, Wesoly Romek (open 24/24), Dom Kultury, Dom studenki.

And to eat in Lublin? Where do you prefer to go?

Restaurant Insomnia, McDonald's, KFC, Pizza Hut.

What cultural visits would you recommend?

Mejdanek, Cathedral, Old Town.


Advice for future students in Lublin?

Enjoy, Erasmus is once in your life. Don't hesitate to meet Polish people, if you need help.

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