Ewelina Ewelina Written 12 years ago
Hello !
I have a huge problem - I and my friend , we're searching room / KOT/ studio - anything !
We're put in a difficult position - Our university has only recently made the decision to our departure, so we have very little time to find accommodation . We will be there from February to JUly .
If anyone knows anything what could help us - Please ,answer
Greetings ;) !
Cristina Ortiz Written 12 years ago
Hi, if you can't find any kot, by now you can rent a room in the ULG residence, you have to pay 300€ per month. If you enter in the ULG page, in accomodation you will find the residence and a lot of kots to rent, their prices, their location, etc. Good luck!
Ilaria fracassi Written 11 years ago
hi! we are two italian girls that are doing an erasmus internship ( in a design studio) during this summer; we got here some days ago and we are wondering if there is someone else in the city in this period; we'll stay here till the end of september, so let we know if there is something interesting to do ( like party, or trip, i don't know ) and see u soon!! :)
ps: does anyone go to Dour festival? probabily we'll work there!