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Erasmus experiences Leuven

  • 7 / 10 points

    Experience in Leuven, Belgium by Ben

    What is it like to live in Leuven? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Beautiful city, great architecture and centre of townWhat is the student lifestyle like in Leuven? Every Friday there is a sort of festival that runs October through to around July called...

    0 , 10 years ago
  • 9 / 10 points

    Erasmus Experience in Leuven, Belgium by carlos

    Why did you choose to go to Leuven, Belgium? I chose Leuven because there is the best school of languages.How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? I was without scholarship.What is the student lifestyle like in Leuven? I...

    0 , 10 years ago
  • 10 / 10 points

    The city I belong to

    I want to share my personal experience in the small town of Leuven, located in Flanders, Belgium, about 30 km east of Brussels. My mother and I were planning a trip to Brussels in early March because I fell in love with the city, the buildings, the people, and the whole...

    0 , 11 years ago
  • 8 / 10 points

    The best student city!

    Why did you choose to go to Leuven, Belgium? I actually didn't decide to do my Erasmus there at the first time. My first option was Budapest (Hungary) but I couldn't get the place so I ended up on my second option, Leuven! I chose it because I didn't want to go to Spain...

    0 , 12 years ago

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