A short guide to Ampang Point shopping center

I guess I'm just trying to finish up all the places there are in Ampang, before moving to a whole new area of Kuala Lumpur. I should have started a whole new blog on that “Ampang life”. I mean I lived in this area of Kuala Lumpur my whole time in Malaysia, so I pretty much know every corner.

Anyways as far as Ampang point goes, I'm not even suggesting you guys go there, it is not a “Must go” place at all. It’s not all lux and brandish like all the shopping centers in Kuala Lumpur; it is more like an every-day use shopping center.

A short guide to Ampang Point shopping center

(Outside view of Ampang point)


I would suggest going here, if your accommodation is nearby, and you need to shop for some stuff that you use every day; those being things like groceries, beauty products, small clothing items and all those little stuff everyone needs and doesn’t know where to get it from.

There are a lot of shops in Ampang point, it is a 4 level shopping center and so you can literally find anything you need in it, I wouldn’t worry at all. It is quite old though, even though they constantly keep renovating and the shops change their designs all the time; the place still looks old.

Here are a few really useful stores for your everyday use

1) Giant

Giant is basically one of those franchise grocery retailers like Tesco, AEON, or Walmart. Although it can’t be compared to those in terms of size and diversity, it is still great to buy your groceries. It is located on the ground floor, next to the Mac Donald’s.

A short guide to Ampang Point shopping center


They have a fruit and vegetable section, which is a tad bit more expensive than some other stores but it, is high quality nonetheless. Then there is a Meat section, which isn’t all that diverse, I don’t usually purchase my meat from there.

They usually have a lot of promotions going on, so do make sure to check them out, it's like as you walk in the store, it is written which products are on promotion. I usually buy a lot of drinks, coffee, biscuits, and some other products on promotion.

2) Brands outlet

I've only seen like two branches of this franchise so far, one is in Ampang point and the other one is in Bukit Bintang, but I'm sure there are more. It is a rather cheap clothing brand, it also has shoes, purses, sunglasses and some other accessories. But it is still mostly clothing, the reason I think this store is useful is because they sell all these everyday use clothing, and mostly in pairs, like if you buy two it is cheaper than buying one. They usually have deals like 3 T-shirts for 50 ringgits or buy one free one. It depends on what you choose, but it is almost always cheaper to buy more than one.

Quality-wise, I think it is worth it. It is a rather cheap brand but the quality is pretty good, I usually buy shirts and tops that I use at home from this place and I can say I'm completely satisfied. They have clothing for all members of the family, so the diversity is pretty good too. The store is located on the first floor of the shopping center.

3) Mr D. I. Y

Alright, this is my absolute favorite store, located on the second floor of the shopping mall, you can literally find anything you need in this store, I mean anything and anything. There is this Persian saying that goes like “From chicken’s milk to the human soul can be found here” and that is totally true. I honestly sometimes don’t even know the name of some things I need, then I just go to this store, look around for a bit and I find it.

A short guide to Ampang Point shopping center

Their prices are quite fair and their qualities are good; I mean as good as a brand like this gets really. Like today I needed some stuff and I just headed towards there, I bought a USB cable, kitchen knives, pillowcases, and some glue. Like I said the diversity of the stuff is unbelievable, and I'm sure you guys would like the store to buy your everyday needs from it.

4) 99 store

Well this store and Mr. DIY have some stuff in common, they usually have a lot of the same products, but not the same one essentially and they are two different brands after all. I personally prefer Mr DIY, quality-wise even though the 99 store is cheaper sometimes. I'm just mentioning this so if there is anything you guys can’t find in the other store you look for it here.

A short guide to Ampang Point shopping center

5) Popular

Popular is actually a sort of a franchise in Kuala Lumpur, with a lot of bookstores across the town. I honestly love this store; it comes in handy all the time. It is essentially a bookstore but you can find any sort of stationary there as well. Whether I had a school project or I just needed some new stationery pieces, I would always go to popular. Their prices aren’t really cheap but stationary is overall kinda expensive in Kuala Lumpur. They also always have the latest edition of novels and other types of books, which is great but then again the prices of books are super expensive in Kuala Lumpur. This brings me to my next favorite shop, which I could also say it's the best shop in the whole shopping center.

6) Rent a book

This store which has been relocated and is now situated right next to Mr. DIY on the second floor is a store that I kind of owe my fun teen years too. Being a student in Malaysia and having to spend a lot of money on school books meant that you had no money left for other types of books; which was sad because I am an absolute book lover. My friends and I used to always purchase books and then take turns reading them. That was until I stumbled across this shop while shopping one day. It was like I discovered paradise.

Well in this store you can rent a book, for the price of 6 ringgit per month, no I'm serious you rent a book and pay just 6 ringgits for it. So it works like this, you choose your book from their updated collection of books, and then go to pay for it; you need to pay an amount of deposit plus the rental fee. The deposit usually varies but it is something like 20-30 ringgits a book. Once you return the book your deposit is given back to you.

I absolutely adore this shop, it is an amazing place and I adore its owners too. Some of the nicest people I have met and they have helped us so much. Sending my regards to them!

Alright so here goes the short review of this mall, hope it helps.


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