The Krakow adventure: The Saint Mary’s Basilica (part 1)

Published by flag-ph Rhomir Yanquiling — 7 years ago

Blog: Tripscapades
Tags: flag-pl Erasmus blog Krakow, Krakow, Poland

It was mid November of 2016 when I decided to join a trip organized by Erasmus Budapest. I was at first having a second thought joining the trip for some reasons. Firstly, I was trying to juggle time for my academic studies inasmuch as I need to deliver at least two oral presentations in two of my courses and a written paper which will be due in a week. However, considering that the trip is scheduled on the next three weeks, I resolved to have advance presentations in two of my courses and write the paper in the next two or three days. After prioritizing my academic commitments, I immediately registered for the Erasmus trip.

Our destination? Poland.

Except for some vague conceptions about this country, I only heard of it in the television and the news. I barely had knowledge about this so I was really ecstatic to discover it through this Erasmus-organized trip. I was really hoping to make the most of out of this trip inasmuch as I wanted to observe, study and explore the different countries in Europe so that I can make a comparative ethnographic studies in the future about the different cities that I have so far visited. The trip organized at least three Polish cities which we can visit throughout the whole duration of our stay in Poland, namely Krakow, Auswitch and Zakopane.

Let me share you my friends my adventures as well as my misadventures during my trip to this extremely exciting and thrilling encounter with the famous country known for its beauty, glamour and elegance combined.

I will bring you first to the city of Krakow touring you along the different interesting sights and destinations that will really bring us new dimension of understanding Poland as one of Europe’s historical and cultural centers. Join me as I explore and enjoy the different architectural wonders, the structural and historical framework and the underpinning cultural meanings and insights as we go on our trip to Poland. Let me bring you to Saint Mary’s Basilica, one of the best churches that I have ever seen so far.

The Saint Mary’s basilica

The Saint Mary’s Basilica is a gigantic and towering structure in Krakow’s old historic town centre. I thought I would not be able to appreciate the beauty of this church because rarely can you see people exploring this great basilica, perhaps because there are just too many things to be seen at the centre that you sometimes ignore what sights the basilica can offer. But I decided to look at it and savour the glimmering beauty of the city of Krakow and to my surprise what gave me the most striking impression are the elegant features of the Saint Mary’s Basilica.

As a backgrounder, the Saint Mary’s Basilica is an imposing religious structure along the old historic town center of Krakow. It actually has two towering structure, which obviously are not of the same heights, but the way they were juxtaposed gives an effect of towering elegant beauty that overlooks and appears to be guarding the equally beautiful Rynek Glowny.

The Saint Mary’s Basilica as it stood before me belongs to the ancient wonders of Europe. Made of some old-looking bricks, which to my estimate, could have already been around more than half a millennium (I might be wrong to my estimate, it could be older), it had stood the test of time. I was really wondering how it was able to survive destructive phenomena such as man-made as well as natural catastrophes such as war, fire, earthquake, etc. When I find myself in Saint Mary’s Basilica, I was like a little child who curiosity was deeply piqued by this thing of beauty. It aroused in me that innocent admiration to a beautiful structure.

Stunning as it stood in the centre, the Saint Mary's Basilica is truly a golden piece of structure in Krakow. Just take at look at this impressive photo of the church!


If there is an architectural structure that your eyes would not miss if you happen to take a walk along the old historic centre, it is the Saint Mary’s Basilica. Since it was my first time to have visited and to have experienced entering a Polish church, I was really moved to learn about it more. So I endeavoured to explore it. I entered the main entrance of the church but I was told by a guide that the entrance for tourists like me should be at the side, which is located somewhat in the east. You would note that the church has the main entrance somewhere in the southwestern side. You would immediately recognize that this entrance is intended for the people who go there to worship as there are a number of devotees who stay at this part of the church. The façade which I believe is of the Baroque tradition is of exquisite and rare beauty. The exquisiteness of the structure of the facade is gloriously revealed in the portals. It was really a piece of art worthy of admiration. I am not an art connoisseur but it does not take an art genius to express one’s overflowing admiration of this beauty. I would say beauty really does not recognize boundaries. It is everywhere. And if this is true I found a rare beauty inside a basilica.

The Saint Mary's Basilica hold the visitors in deep gaze and leaves them a lasting impression of admiration. When you happen to visit the place, do not miss the call from the high heavens. According to the tradition, a call coming from a bugle emanates from two of the towers. If my memory serves me right, I heard the call of the bugle from the taller tower and it was really a good treat for visitors. When I first heard of the bugle calling the believers to put aside what they are doing momentarily and listen to the heavenly call from up above. At that veyr moment, I felt like the angels were singing as they herald to all the earth the magnificence and glory of the Divine Providence.


 When I was already at the interior of the basilica, I was even more held hostage to the breathtaking beauty that was before me. The stained glasses are more not just ordinary stained glasses; they are just too magnificent. I love the old-age beauty of glasses. They were, I think, a part of the works that were very influential during the 14thto 15thcentury. I do not exactly remember what art tradition was that specifically but I would say they were definitely just classic in style and designs.

What made me even more enthusiastic in exploring the interior was when I saw the wall paintings. They were so colourful that they look like very rare obra maestras carefully etched in the walls by a skillful master. When these impressions were playing my mind, it was actually confirmed by the tour guide because he told the group that these colourful paintings in the church’s wall were designed by a master of the brush in the person of Majetko, perhaps a Polish painter who was known to his masterpieces. Actually, this painting which beautifully blended with medieval architecture as background of the altar is regarded as among the recognized works of the century and is acclaimed by many as a masterpiece in the tradition which I think is Gothic. This Gothic style reminds me of some famour works in Greece and Rome. I also seen some provincial government buildings in the Philippines. I do not have the exact words to describe it but I was really mesmerized with the wall paintings. If mesmerized is not enough to describe it, I thought maybe a trance was brought before me.

The altar of the basilica is also a breathtaking work of art. It depicts different scenes which are biblical in character. If I may recall correctly, I can visibly see the Assumption of Virgin Mary being portrayed (hope I was not mistaken). It was like a religious journey for me just merely looking at these scenes in the altarpiece. Apparently the apostles of Jesus Christ are with Mary in this scene surrounding her. I could no longer recall all the names of the apostles but this altar reminded me of them through the movie Passion of Christ. At the top of the altar, I can see another scene. It appeared it was the Coronation of the Virgin Mary which I supposed took place in Heaven as seen in this depiction. It was a celestial scene, a heavenly portrayal of the recognition to the importance of the Virgin Mary to the Christian Messiah Jesus Christ.

Have you ever experienced visiting a basilica during the night. Well, I did it twice already. The first time was when when I went to Manaoag Basilica Minor in Pangasinan, Philippines and it was during the approaching Christmas eve and the second time was in this glorious basilica in Krakow, the Saint Mary's Basilica.

Look how splendid the Basilica looks during the night. It shimmers in the dark and shines all throughout the center of the plaza as though it was like a lingering light in the midst of darkness. it looks even more beautiful during the night.


Of course, I would not be leaving Krakow and the Saint Mary's Basilica without my picture taken with it as a background. I would always cherish the time I spent in the basilica. I can only hope that my prayers will reach the high heavens and my communion to God made more impactful and my relationship deepened with further commitment to serve his name and glory.


They said that this altar remains as among the most significant and important pieces of art in the medieval Poland. With that said, it is being carefully protected as a national treasure itself. If you happen to find yourself in Krakow, do not miss dropping a visit at the Saint Mary’s Basilica, it is worth your time! You would certainly appreciate Polish religious and historical background by treating yourself with a visit Saint Mary’s Basilica.      

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