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Experience in Kabul, Afghanistan by sultanmahmood

Published by flag-af sultanmahmood TOYGHUN — 6 years ago

0 Tags: flag-af Erasmus experiences Kabul, Kabul, Afghanistan

What is it like to live in Kabul? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Because i working there and it is capital of Afghanistan.

What is the student lifestyle like in Kabul?

Student jobs, just studying and searching all the time.

How much does it cost to live in Kabul?

Kabul is capital of Afghanistan it is live different the people. The weather is Kabul good another city of Afghanistan and every body want to live this city.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Kabul? Is there any advice you can give?

find accommodation is not in Kabul and it is easy. Kabul is beautiful and big city in Afghanistan. it is building a nice different hotel and Restaurant for living and it is very cheap.

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

Afghanistan have a lot of Delicious and different food in the world. i very like and every time use the Uzbek Palow, it is famous middle Asia.

What places would you recommend visiting in Kabul?

Kabul city have a lot of beautiful place for visiting example; Paghman distrect, Qargha pool, Babur garden and...

Is it good to eat out in Kabul? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

Kabul city famous about eat it and different hotel located this town for example best and famous Naseb Restaurant.

Is the nightlife good in Kabul? Where is good to go?

Not to bad nightlife in Kabul, every person going to nightlife in Shari Naw kabul. Because located a beautiful park there.

What advice would you give future students heading to Kabul?

Yes, i want to all of student coming in Kabul for visiting and for sight saying. Kabul city is very wold city.

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