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Erasmus Experience in Jönköping, Sweden by Encarna

Published by flag-es encarna guerrero — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-se Erasmus experiences Jonkoping, Jonkoping, Sweden

Why did you choose to go to Jönköping, Sweden?

I wanted to live a great experience in a country very different to mine, so that Sweden was my first option. I found out about Jönköping it was very similar to my city because it is small, near a lake and mountains, and you know everyone because it is a university city. I loved it a lot!


How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?

I was there only 6 months! When I arrived there it was amazing for me because I wanted to stay for a long time more and my Scholarship had just started. I thought it could be much time, but when you see that the end of your Scholarship is closing and you feel good in a multicultural atmosphere you don´t want to come back home.

The problem is you don´t receive so much money for your living costs. The money I received don´t let me pay the accommodation and the food during my stayed. You need to save money before going there because the state give you the money when are in the place.

What is the student lifestyle like in Jönköping?

The student lifestyle is closer to everyone because everybody makes a meetingpoint to do a party, being together and having fun. In Spain, we are always outside but in Sweden people make their lives at home because it is colder, but Swedish people are very friendly and have a good education.


Would you recommend the city and the University of Jönköping to other students?

Yes, of course! You have many opportunities and have a great structure to learn about your studies. They have a perfect program of studies and let you a chance to get a job when you finish your degree. You have excellent teachers and help you a lot if you have a problem in the subject. The most I liked was I practiced a lot what I studied and I could know how I could do it at work.

What is the food like?

The food is so good, mainly fish, and the typical sweet, Kanelbulle. The diet is a bit different but richer. I did not eat so much Swedish food because I usually cooked at home but when I went out I used to eat it.


Did it cost you to find your accommodation in Jönköping?

Finding an accommodation was very easy because the university has a good website and they are very organized. You have to fill an application form with your interests and they make everything that is possible for you and your stay is warmer.

How much does it cost to live in Jönköping?

Living outside from Spain is always more expensive. The accommodation is around 300€ (water and heating included), the food 250-300€, extras maybe between 150-200€ and the trips are apart.

Otherwise, you have many offers in supermarkets and it help you a lot.


Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available at the University?

If you have a good level of English it is not a problem for you to understand your classes, because all of them are in English. But many people I knew there did not speak so well the language and it was not a problem for them.

In addition, you can learn other languages because you have many courses. My advise is that, if you have time and you are interested in Swedish culture, to learn Swedish.

What's the easiest or most economical way to travel to Jönköping from your city?

Travelling is very easy because people wants to visit everything. The most economical way is to rent a car with friends because with your university card you have a discount with a company. The second way could be by train or by bus if you book in advanced on line. If you are in a group of friends, the tickets are cheaper if you pay them at the moment in cash at the office.


Where would you recommend to go on a night out in Jönköping?

Jönköping is small and does not have so many places, but Centrum, Harrys and Silvers are the best places on a night out. Also, if you like dancing salsa you have in the main street Red Lion. The last one is cute and funny, it is a familiar place.

And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Jönköping?

I could not recommend any restaurant but the best option to go for eating is on Fridays because of "After Work". It is a popular day there because you eat a Swedish buffet and you can try the typical food of the country with a good price after 16. 00 o´clock.

What good cultural sites are there to visit?

We can visit Match Museum next to the Juneporten. It is most interesting thing that we have in this city.

If you are religious you have many churches and they are incredible with a great architecture.


Is there any other advice that you could give to students going to Jönköping in the future?

Enjoy their stay as better as they can, because suddenly they will realise that it has already finished and they have to come back home. They need to use this opportunity to know about this culture.

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