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Experience in Jakarta, Indonesia by astrid Pradana

Published by flag-id astrid smith — 7 years ago

0 Tags: flag-id Erasmus experiences Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia

What is it like to live in Jakarta? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia. Just like the other capital city in another country, Jakarta is the centre of government. It has so many great things also high population. Jakarta has many malls, hotels, clubs, bars, cars, houses, buildings and many more.

What is the student lifestyle like in Jakarta?

it depends on the person actually. As we know, everybody has different lifestyle and personality. If you are kind of a "cool kid" then it's lucky for you because Jakarta has many interesting places for you to visit. Like cafes, clubs, bars,restaurants and so many more..
They (the students) usually hang out with the friends on weekend in cafe or any other interesting places they used to go.

How much does it cost to live in Jakarta?

The cost to live in Jakarta is a little bit more expensive but not as expensive as in Papua. The cost depends on your lifestyle.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Jakarta? Is there any advice you can give?

No, we have a lot of accommodations here. The good news is we have the online- accommodation which makes you easier to go anywhere you want.

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

The foods are incredible. We have so many delicious foods here. My favorite food is Kerak telor which is a traditional food from Jakarta.

What places would you recommend visiting in Jakarta?

Kemang because it has so many cafes, bars and restaurants, Monas because it's the national monument and also keeps a memorable history, Kota tua. It has so many old buildings. If you like photography then you can go there because it has many good spots for you, Grand indonesia. It's the biggest mall in Indonesia...and many more. If you like clubbing then you can find many clubs here.

Is it good to eat out in Jakarta? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

when you go to kemang then you will find many restaurants right there but you can go to another place to find the good place to eat out because there many good places to eat out in Jakarta, almost in all districts. My favorite spot is SENAYAN. That place sells "NASI UDUK BETAWI" which is very delicious, traditional and also cheap.

Is the nightlife good in Jakarta? Where is good to go?


Just come over here and you will know where you should go.

5. X2

and many more...

What advice would you give future students heading to Jakarta?

the people here are really friendly. If you're looking for any informations then they will happily tell you, if you have a problem then they will help you. They are really nice and unique. TRUST ME!

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