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Looking for accommondation in Izmir

Showing 1-3 of 3 entries


Hi everyone ;) We are 3 girls from Latvia and we are finding flat/room for rent in Izmir. We are going to go there about 6 February. Maybe someone looking for roommates? Best if flat is near Yasar University! Thank you ;)

Cantact me in facebook  or to e-mail: [email protected]

Hello guys,

we are 4 students from germany, two girls, two boys. We are still looking for a flat near Izmir University of Economics. We will arrive at the 17th of February.

If someone has something to offer, don´t hesitate ;) ([email protected])




Hi everybody,

If u look for a room or flat, join that group on facebook, u can find there easily i guess. Because a lot of people find here. 

Good Luck



Showing 1-3 of 3 entries


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