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Erasmus Experience in Horsens, Denmark by Viktoria

Published by flag-sk Viktoria Felixova — 7 years ago

0 Tags: flag-dk Erasmus experiences Horsens, Horsens, Denmark

Why did you choose to go to Horsens, Denmark?

I choose to go to Horsens because of the University

How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?

I don't receive any money to help me with the living

What is the student lifestyle like in Horsens?

the student lifestyle in Horsens is quite the same all the time, when the weather is nice there is a possibility to go to the green beach or the sand beach. The second biggest city in Denmark is Arhus which is situated just 30 minutes by train from Horsens, so it's possible to also visit Arhus or other cities near. The night life here is not very well developed there are 4 bars in centrer that are very known and where people usually go to, there is also a Student Bar situated in Kamtjatka student residence, the bar is mostly for student only, there you have themed parties like Halloween party, the start semester party etc.

Would you recommend the city and the University of Horsens to other students?

yes the university is good because Via is a university that is focused on team work and practical theory more than theoretical. For the city is not that great, since it's a small town but still there are things to do here.

What is the food like?

The city offers many locations and opportunities to taste great food, not only Danish, the possibilities are huge for the gastronomy.

Did it cost you to find your accommodation in Horsens?

yes, it is indeed very difficult to find an accommodation here in Horsens, because the two main student residences are sold very quickly, what is good is that on Facebook there are many pages that exist where you can ask people for help and where people post when something is free.

Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available at the University?

the danish language is a very difficult language to learn, no the university doesn't provide danish courses but there is a language school where you can go and learn danish

What's the easiest or most economical way to travel to Horsens from your city?

I travel from the Billund airport which is about an hour drive from Horsens to Budapest or directly to Bratislava, Slovakia. People travel also with car but that is for a longer duration

Where would you recommend to go on a night out in Horsens?

Zwei Grosse Bar, Jakt Bar, Hekkenfeld and Mad Americans

And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Horsens?

all the restaurants in the city centrer are very good

What good cultural sites are there to visit?

there is a museum of industry, and there is a natural reservation which is a beautiful place to take a run or just a walk if you want to see some landscapes

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