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ENV - Volunteer for Endangered Species in Hanoi

Today I will share with your guys one of my most interesting volunteering activities I have joined in Hanoi.  I hope that if you have strength and good health living or studying in Hanoi, this activity is for you to join.

You can also join the network of volunteering of ENV for students.

I have joined this marathon called “ Song Hong half marathon” as a volunteer to help foreigner to go on the right way during their running because actually the marathon road is quite long in the city.

So, this marathon is not just a normal one but it has a meaning purpose to do with the animals, especial the endangered animals in Vietnam.

This marathon is held by ENV – Education For Nation – Vietnam , it is an NGO ( No Governmental Organization) working for people and for the common interest.

I have experienced with some activities of this organization before such as to tell and to make exhibition about endangered species in Vietnam. I think that the interesting thing about the way this organization works is that they focus and make activities such as marathon, exhibition and events in that many young people can join.

Before I share with your guys my experience and information about the organization. I think you should a little bit about Vietnam environment situation.

Welll, when I mention Vietnam, you might think of a tropical country with poor people in jungle, but our nature is very diversity and beautiful with thousands of species including trees and animals. However, Vietnam also has a problem with that.  

Vietnam is home to many endangered wildlife species that are being seriously threatened by illegal hunting and trafficking.


For example, Vietnam is the biggest market for illegal ivory trading in the world.

 I feel ashamed of Vietnam as my country is one of the two most stupid countries in the world. Vietnam and China are the two countries that consume elephants and elephants in Vietnam as elephants in Asian countries are extinct.


Many vietnamese people still believe that having a ivory product can make them become better people. I mean they want to show their richness and wealthiest by having big and bigger irovy stuff in their dining rooms.

It is the fact that Vietnam's illegal ivory products are the strongest among the elephant ivory industries in Asia.


     The key to the ivory business boom is the expansion of the size and number of ivory shops in the southern villages of Hanoi;

I have visited these places and you know what. People sell irovy products for tourists and other people for drinking.

Moreover, the increase in the number of Vietnamese tourists to Central Vietnam and the Central Highlands has led to a sharp increase in the demand for ivory. Remarkably, most sellers do not distinguish between legitimate or illegal ivory products. On the other hand, Chinese ivory traffickers have gradually moved to markets in Vietnam as China tightens the ivory trade ban.


      I must say that Vietnamese law prohibits all trade in wild elephant products, but there is still a rule that permits the sale of ivory products made before 1992.

This policy loophole has diminished the effectiveness of law enforcement and made Vietnam one of the world's largest importers of illegal ivory.


And that makes the supply of bridges, many people still buy ivory products, I find that the high profit that has made many elephants in Africa and other Asian countries killed, Vietnam , my country should have taken responsibility for those killed elephants.


Other example is about rhinoceros horns can fight against cancers.

Recently, many people in Vietnam rumors about the "rhinoceros horns" can cure 15 diseases at the same time, such as cancer, cerebrovascular accident, joints, gout, poisonous venom, not only that, some people claim to have used and "effective immediately".


Due to the fact that the environment is badly polluted, many Vietnamese people have cancers or kind of serious diseases such as diabetes.

There is also a quote popularly believed by old generations that what you eat, what you will benefit.
I mean it is like if you eat ears, your ears  will hear clearer . If you eat elephants, you will be stronger.

Or if you eat gout, you can have sex better.


So crazy!! It is the true in my society, in some Asian countries such as Vietnam, China and Korean.


The rumors about this kind of pharmacy are spreading. It is not known how the horns used to be numb, but many people have hunted to seek medical treatment for themselves as well as relatives. Some others are looking to buy it for storage unless it is sold out.

Walking around on the net, I noticed, there are many commercials selling horns with real commitment 100%. According to the online price survey, there are no similar prices anywhere.

There is a place to offer 80 million (3000 euros) a 100 grams, where another advertises 130 million (6000 euros) 100 grams. Not only that, some places are ambiguous "a horn price of 180-200 million VND".

I really don’t understand those crazy people , but I can see that many rich people having diseases and they want to cure even buying drinking the horns of rhinos.

 Actually rhino horns are not as useful as rumors. It is because of false rumors and blind faith to act as a panacea for the need to consume rhinoceros horn. Because of this, the rhinoceros has become an animal species listed in the Red Book, but still a great prey for those who seek revenge.


Well, I think two samples about my Vietnamese people killing animals for drinking and showing their richness are enough for the beginning of volunteer work that I have been to.

Now, I will show you about the network of volunteer with ENV

Notice here for anyone who wants to improve their English level. Probably the founder of ENV is not a Vietnamese so it is good place for Vietnam Students to join to exchange and learn as well as improve their English levels.


ENV Volunteer Network.



source: ENV

In order to mobilize community participation, in 2008, ENV established a volunteer network to protect wildlife throughout the country.

I must say that this is a great organization for many young people can attend. There are nearly 5,700 volunteers in all 36 provinces and cities nationwide. So I'm one of the 5,700 volunteers, great?


In addition, ENV has established ENV member clubs in 15 provinces from north to south in order to diversify local wildlife protection activities, encouraging greater community participation.


 Form of operation of the volunteer network

Independent volunteer

ENV member clubs

1. Independent volunteer

Asian. Notice of violations of the law on the protection of wildlife

Advertising wildlife unauthorized

Sheltering, storing and displaying wildlife and wildlife-derived products

Trading wild animals and wildlife products

B. Check previous business establishments that have violated

The inspection of these establishments to verify the violations or to ensure that the business establishments comply with law and do not relapse after the competent agencies have handled the violations.

The volunteer guide here.

C. Communication support

Encourage individuals and groups to join the network to protect wildlife: call the free hotline 1800 1522 immediately when detecting violations on wildlife or send information email: [email protected]

If you want to know more, you can visit their websites. http://thiennhien.org/chuong-trinh-tnv


2, Activities.

Check out the monthly offending facility, according to the campaign

  1. Routine inspections of these facilities are aimed at verifying violations, ensuring that these owners strictly comply with the legislation on the protection of wildlife;

Conducting surveys focused on finding new violations in the area where they live;

Participate in intensive surveillance campaigns about wildlife (focus on a specific species of wildlife)


B. Organized exhibition of wildlife protection

A local ENV representative to organize wildlife conservation exhibitions at public venues.

C. Implement the program "Safe Area for Wildlife"

The club will on behalf of ENV implement the "Safe Area for Wildlife" program at local departments, markets by placing and updating wildlife information panels at these sites in 2 January times.

D. Support for ENV's media campaigns

ENV regularly organizes media campaigns such as: Wildlife Painting, Run for Rhinoceros, Vietnam Bear Day, etc. Member clubs are small local ENV media outlets. About these media campaigns.

3. Benefits when joining the volunteer network to protect wildlife

Member of the largest volunteer network of wildlife conservation in Vietnam;

Frequently updated information about the protection of wildlife;

Attending wildlife protection exhibitions, species formatting skills training, wildlife crime surveying skills, communication skills, talking about wildlife;

To be awarded a certificate of excellent contribution to wildlife protection;

Member clubs are given technical support to carry out activities set up by ENV.


Here is the link for registering to become a member of the network.




Next, I will tell you about the marathon for making money for protecting the endangered species.

So having been a member of the network ENV, I will receive news or call action for events.

So ENV has created a marathon for every people to join to learn about endangered animals.

They send me a mail then I accept to support the events.

This year, they have opened 21km, 10km, 5km and short distance runs for children.

This is an opportunity for people with the same desire to protect wildlife of different nationalities to share, exchange and contribute to raising awareness for the community, not consumption of products. Wildlife products and the protection of wildlife in Vietnam.

Because the road is quite long in Hanoi, there are many foreigners who do not know the road so the organizers have called us to guide the runners to make sure no one runs wrong. .


The objective of this year's contest is to attract more than 500 runners, especially the Hanoi people, and mobilize US $ 5,000 for wildlife protection.

As I say, you can join to be a volunteer or you can join to be a runner of the marathon and win the prize.

 Here are some photos about the events. 


We made a rhino model here so participants can take photos with the rhinoes.


a typical activity at school

My volunteer team at the end of the marathon.


You can find me at the left corner. :* :* :* 


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