My motivation letter
Here is my motivation letter that helped me to get the scholarship and get selected to go to the conference to share learning experience.
I have had a burning desire to change the world since I was a small kid. As a kid, I did not know what I would do to change the world, but I did feel that burning desire and I strongly believed I could do it. The feeling got stronger and stronger day by day. More importantly, the way to change the world got clearer and was identified. My happiness is to help people find their voices, nonstop living, loving, and giving today.
I have felt grateful to be born in a family which is not rich in terms of money but rich in terms of love. I have been loved unconditionally, trusted fully by each member in my family. When I was 3 years old, I was punished by my mum since I did not study my homework. My mum put me outside on the dark road at 11pm. I did not cry and even did not ask for my mum forgiveness. I apologized by action.
That moment, I knew that I would never let my mum or any ones in my family have to worry about the things that I should do since they were good for me. I have become independent since that day. My parents have never had to remind me about my studying, my career since they have trusted me, totally. I grew up; I had seen each member in my family go through all tragedies and overcome difficulties to live a happy life to love and support each other.
My parents had to work from early morning to late night to raise 4 children for more than 20 years. My brother went to other city to stand by his own foot since he was 18 years old, studying and working at the same time and almost died in a fire accident. My second sister left school early and left my hometown to earn money to support other siblings study, got a motorbike accident which made her not be able to walk as a normal person. My first sister has devoted every moment of her life to worry about each person in our family even after she got married.
I knew that my life, all my life, is to make my family feel proud of me. To make them proud of me, not only to change the stand of living, but also to live meaningfully to help more people change their lives.
I decided to go a Technology University even though I had a business mindset. I wanted to have the logical thinking and the mind of an engineer to be a strong foundation for my mind of a business woman. Attending the university was as a turning point in my life. I had a chance to research in embedded software lab with 2 professors; one of them was my mentor for my final thesis.
She told me: “ I know that being as an engineer may be boring for long time, but even though if you want to start your own business, you must still go abroad to learn in a higher standard environment. And it would be better if you can keep the flow and do it after graduating from the university”.
To see the thing outside of the box, to raise the standards, going to learn and do in the higher standard environment is a must for me. I have seen and proud of the potential of my own countries, Vietnam, even though I have been aware of its own problems. I have a strong belief that, Vietnamese youth will be able to make Vietnam become a better place to live from today.
After the university, I wanted to go directly abroad to study. However, I decided to stay for 2 more years to work to earn money for my family and stay near my family. They did not need money but I knew they just wanted me to live near them. I stayed in Vietnam for them; I wanted to use my first salary to buy them more beautiful gifts and followers, to see them feel more relaxed since I was no longer only mentally independent but totally financially independent.
Even though I was still in Vietnam, I never stopped thinking about my burning desire, going abroad to raise my standards and coming back to help people raise their standards too.
August 2011 was another turning point of my life. I met a guy who became my best friend and partner now, who had a similar mindset to me. We started stabling English community together. We worked together as organizers of all events in English and we planned to open English clubs. We did it. However, the nice business idea was fail since the number of attendants was reduced day by day.
We went to bankrupt, we stopped. We did not have a good business model and strong team as well as finance independence or business sponsors. I knew that I would start over soon.
I got a scholarship to go to study Master in Europe. During that time, my big picture got clearer. I did research and made a business plan for an organization I wanted to establish: The name of the organization will be 'flat world'. Flat world offers two main packages of services: education services and tourism services in the two ways, namely online and offline.
Education services are divided into three main fields: languages, soft skills and scholarships. Tourism services consist of tours, activities, jobs and hosts. In the case of online method, customers can come to our website to register as a member while for offline method; customers can come directly to our office. Initial focus will be development in Vietnam market so the main office will be located in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam.
Eleven people will be together with the two founders to establish 'flat world', they are Masters Scholars, PhD scholars, engineers, marketers or teachers with the same passion – make 'flat world' become an international company. Industry competition comes in several forms, the most significant being companies that are well-known in teaching languages/soft skills, consulting scholarships and finding hosts for tourists. However, these companies do not focus on a niche market that combines all services in one as 'flat world'.
Furthermore, 'flat world' can be able to compete with them by offering truthful services with the cheap prices'flat world' based on the collaboration of all participants. In the future, 'flat world' will broaden the coverage by expending into coverage of additional markets (e. g., all Asia, Western Europe) and additional service areas (e. g., hotels, restaurants). We also plan to cooperate with other companies in the two industries, education and tourism to boost the globalization process.
To raise my standard, I went to Malaysia to work as a consultant after going back Vietnam from Europe for 4 weeks even though my desire of changing the world was still there. My turning point happened here again. I attended public speaking club in Penang every week.
I did not miss any meetings and I found out my best moment that I felt I was with my true self was the moment I spoke my own voice in front of people and inspired them. I wrote down the statement for my life mission: I - Vu Thi Huong (called as Jen, Jennifer), am a passionate/courageous/inspirational leader/coach/entrepreneur that leads people to reach potential, empowers others, and makes a difference for myself and others.
I just quited the job at Dell 2 months ago to start my own social entruprenur career as a writer, speaker and teacher. In 2015, I published the first book for my sisters and brother and working on 2 other books now. I got an offer to organize campaigns for Beligum NGO right after I came back Vietnam.
As every day routine, after working as an event organizer in the office, I work on my passion as a social entreprenuer: writing self-development books, teaching English communications, organizing social meetings, building websites and youtube channel etc.
I strongly believe the little things every day makes the difference. I believe the secret to living is sharing and giving. With a clear vision, empowering belief, continous actions, persistence and full of positive energy, I believe that I will empower more and more people not only in Vietnam but all over the world to make a difference in life.
I am so happy to take the chance to attend the conference in Hue to share my experience with Erasmus as well as my passion as a social entreprenuer. No one is smarter than all of us. We all can change the world become a better place by changing ourselves to be the best that we can then inspire others to do the same.
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Content available in other languages
- Español: Mi carta de motivación
- Italiano: La mia lettera motivazionale
- Français: Ma lettre de motivation
- Português: Minha carta de motivação
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Comments (1 comments)
OMG your letter is toooooo long that I could not read it to the end.