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Aquarium in Genoa, Italy

  - 1 opinions

Aquarium in Genoa, Italy

Published by flag-lk Crazy Travel — 5 years ago

Aquarium in Genoa, Italy

This aquarium is a biggest place to experience the amazing of sea life as well as other animals. This is the largest aquarium in Italy which, has become a member of the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA). It has been in the old harbour area in Genoa. Originally this was built to show the North Atlantic and Ligurian sea. Further it emphasis the beauty of Caribbean reefs.



We can buy the ticket for 25 euros. You can buy tickets online from this website. There are more than 15000 animals in this place. We can watch dolphins, penguins, tortoise, frogs and other different types of animals apart from the fishes and corals.


Among them dolphins are very special since you can enjoy a dolphin show without paying an additional cost. We can touch some of the fishes that swim freely in the tanks. But most of the fishes in the tanks have been prohibited to touch.

If you are nature love then this is nice place to visit with you family and friends.



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