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Application form

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I'm a student in University of Architecture, Civil engineering and Geodesy , Sofia - Bulgaria. I have already been officially nominated by my home Institution to spend my Erasmus period at the University of Genoa ,  but I cant find the Erasmus Application Form a.y. 2014 / 2015.

Could you help me to find it? 

Best regards, 


Hi! I'm also looking for the application form but it isn't yet. Look at in this website everyday: http://www.arch.unige.it/sla/socrates/erasmusing/socw1.htm 

If I find something I will notify you, ok?

Sorry form my English, it isn't very good.



I contacted the International Office of my University. They said that the contract is not ready yet... so I'll check the web site , also.

If you have any information, Please tell me.

Thanks a lot :)

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