Ralitsa Lambeva
Written 10 years ago
I'm a student in University of Architecture, Civil engineering and Geodesy , Sofia - Bulgaria. I have already been officially nominated by my home Institution to spend my Erasmus period at the University of Genoa , but I cant find the Erasmus Application Form a.y. 2014 / 2015.
Could you help me to find it?
Best regards,
Bea Barrio
Written 10 years ago
Hi! I'm also looking for the application form but it isn't yet. Look at in this website everyday: http://www.arch.unige.it/sla/socrates/erasmusing/socw1.htm
If I find something I will notify you, ok?
Sorry form my English, it isn't very good.
Ralitsa Lambeva
Written 10 years ago
I contacted the International Office of my University. They said that the contract is not ready yet... so I'll check the web site , also.
If you have any information, Please tell me.
Thanks a lot :)
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