Pancakes' recipe


  • 1 egg
  • 2 spoons of butter
  • 3 spoons of flour
  • Half a glass of milk

    Firstly you have to melt the butter in the microwave and let it get cold. Then, you crack the egg in a soup dish and beat it. Keep beating and add the flour and the milk little by little in order not to form lumps. The last thing you have to add is the butter, but be careful, it must be cold because otherwise the mixture can curdle. Finally, you have to heat a saucepan with a drop of oil or a little bit of butter and made the pancakes as if it was an omelette. Don't forget that there are circular. At first it is difficult but when you get the hang, they will be perfect, and of course round!

    I hope that you enjoy your pancakes!

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