Graphic design in Florence Design Academy vs Florence Institute of Design
Thread created by argle bargle — 8 years ago
Showing 1-4 of 4 entries
argle bargle Written 8 years ago
Hi, I'm a 20 year old from India looking to do a one year graphic design course abroad. I have a bit of experience in graphic design and want to actually study it. I can't afford a three year degree course, and Italy seems to have some great one year options.
The best options seem to be FDA (Florence Design Academy) and FIDI (Florence Institute of Design International). There doesn't seem to be much information about these courses online, apart from the official websites themselves. I can't really find reviews or a comparison between the two anywhere.
Because FIDI has a well designed website, and has the word 'international' in their name, I was leaning towards it. But from the little I have read about FDA, it seems to be one of Italy's best design schools. So I'm lost.
Please help me out here, I'd really appreciate it. Any information you might have will help a ton! Thank you
Patya Pindo Written 8 years ago
Hi! I have the exact problems. Have you decided which one you will attend?
Iwi San Written 8 years ago
Hey, Im having the same problem..
im more interested in Florence Design Academy but i cant find information like:
-Is the academy recognized by companies?
-if you complete 3 yrs of a field, do you get a bachelors degree?
-how much exactly do you spend a year? how much do you pay the school per year?
-Is the school even real??????
FIDI seems more expensive but more legitimate based on it existing in many reviews compared to FDA. IDK what to do.
Andy Dandy Written 8 years ago
hi the FDA is accreditated officially. The fee should be 6850 euro. Check on the homepage.
Why don't you just drop them an email with all questions ?
It's a very good school and renowned and if you have the possibility you can go to visit them personally. they are quite kind and helpful.
Hope I could help :-)
Showing 1-4 of 4 entries