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Elena's Erasmus Experience in Florence, Italy.

Why did you decide to go to Florence, Italy?


It's a place with a a big Erasmus/University life atmosphere.

How long was the placement? How much money did you receive?

9 months. 3500 euros all together.

What is the student vibe like in Florence?

Really good. Especially amongst the Spanish students.

Would you recommend the city and the University to other students?

Absolutely! Although the rent for apartments is rather expensive. If you want to live in the centre, which is ideal, and you want a single room, it is going to cost around 450 euros a month (all inclusive)

What's the food like?

Pizza and pasta are cheap and tasty. Same for steak too!


Was it difficult to find accommodation in Florence?

I found a place through 'easystanza', and I didn't have any problems although many people arrived over the summer to look for places in person.

What are the living costs like in Florence?

Excluding rent for a flat, around 400 a month is pretty normal.

What is the language like? Did you take any classes at the University?

I came without knowing any of the language, but even if you don't know the language, you start picking it up little by little. The free short course at the beginning helped a lot too.

What is the cheapest way to get to Florence from your home city?

The Madrid-Pisa flight with RyanAir.

What places do you recommend for a good night out in Florence?

We usually go to typical Erasmus bars: Dolce Zucchero, Space, Downstairs, Yab... etc.


What about good placed to eat? Where are your favourite places?

Pizzerias and Pasta restaurants. 'Yellow' is a restaurant close to the Basilica Santa Croce which we love.


What's there to do for the tourists?

There are thousands of things to see and do: The Florence Catherdral (Il Duomo), Vecchino bridge, Michelangelo Square, the Academy Gallery (Galleria dell'Accademia), the Uffizi Gallery... and more!


Any advice for any future Erasmus students going to Florence?

Don't doubt even for a second that it is one of the best cities in Italy. It's small but completely perfect for students.

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