Erasmus experiences Dakar
My experience in Dakar, Senegal by Lamine
What's life like in Dakar? Would you recommend living there? Dakar is a very friendly town, it's sunny all year round. Around November-March time the temperature drops significantly to around 15-22°. The people here are so welcoming and it's not too expensive to live...
0 0 , 4 years ago -
Experience in Dakar, Senegal by Mamadou Baïlo
What is it like to live in Dakar? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Dakar is very good city. I recommned this for student.What is the student lifestyle like in Dakar? Student life is very interesting and the environment is very nice.How much does it cost to...
0 0 , 5 years ago -
Exploring West Africa
Red soils, burning sun, crystal waters, rain forests and deserts; in other words: Africa. Africa is a huge continent with so much diversity. When speaking about mainland we can see Arabic influence in the northern countries such as Egypt and Morocco, European influence...
1 0 , 7 years ago -
Experience in Dakar, Senegal by Sophie
What is it like to live in Dakar? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? This melting pot of a city is widely recognized as the cultural capital of French-speaking West Africa. Dakar is the capital of Senegal and a peninsula surrounded by few small islands of...
0 0 , 7 years ago -
Experience in Dakar, Senegal by Alioune
What is it like to live in Dakar? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? Dakar is cool place where people are so friendly and so kind. The life is not expensive in Dakar.Senegal food is so various.The weather so cool sunny all the year but it can become windy or...
0 1 , 9 years ago -
Experience in Dakar, Senegal by جبريل ماديك
What is it like to live in Dakar? Would you recommend it? What is the city like? living in dakar is so much peaceful and beautiful. there is no other words to describe this town and seriously, I recommend to visit it.What is the student lifestyle like in Dakar? Dakar...
0 0 , 10 years ago