Still witing for the erasmus great
Thread created by Jakub Lemiszewski
— 10 years ago
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Jakub Lemiszewski
Written 10 years ago
I opend this discussion because last year I went for my internship to Holand.
I applied for the erasmus grant and I supposed to received the money 2 weeks later.
2 weeks later the school KEA in Copenhagen sent a message where they comunicated me there will be a delay with the grant. That happend in mid September now is Jenuaryand I'm still waiting for that money. This fact couse me many problems in Holland because my budget was calculated on that money and for the fuct I'm not rich I had to loan money for survive there. The school still telling me to wait but i think after 4 months is enougth. I want to know where to argue this problem by law because my patience is finished. The school refuse to speak with me but they asked me just all of the final documantation about the Internship. Please let me know to who one I have to speak for start a legal procedure agaist this fact because for me is not normal. Another thinks In one week I will be gratuated at KEA and in february I star my other program in the same school.
Than you for collaboration
Diana Abrunhosa
Written 10 years ago
I think the Erasmus grant is not mandatory.
When you apply for Erasmus you might have a chance of getting the grant but unless they tell you before you go that you will have it for sure and the amount, you might not be able to get it.
This is what they told me in my university but you should go directly to the staff of your university who deals with the mobility of students and ask otherwise they won't make the effort to help you by what I read..
Jakub Lemiszewski
Written 10 years ago
I went to my school and I asked and all the time is the same they told me I have to wait 2 weeks. They have the money and my friends received that money last year. They sent all the evaluation survey of the erasmus yet asking me if the money covered my expenses. I know they granted me that grant but for some reasonthey didn't sent me the money and this week I will be graduated too.
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