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Drive to Nordkapp

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Hi everyone!

We are planning a trip to Nordkapp.It starts at Copenhagen on August 24. We plan to drive to Stockholm then to Nordkapp and stay there one night. Then drive through the west coast of Norway and visit the famous Fiordlands and back to Oslo. From there we take a ship back to Copenhagen around september 3th

We are a boy and a girl from Chinese, both of us erasmus students in Rome Luiss business school. We'd like another 1 or 2 people trip with us(at least one driver).We speak english and ofcourse Chinese. And we are very kind.

Contact me if you are interested. ^_^

Hey Charlotte! I am very much interested in your ad; however, as I haven't paid for an account I cannot email you. Is there any chance of contacting you by other means?

Hi charlotte. May I ask in which kummon the accomodation is located?

many thanks

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