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Experience in Cologne, Germany by Maryam

Published by flag- Maryam Akram — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-de Erasmus experiences Cologne, Cologne, Germany

What is it like to live in Cologne? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Living in Cologne is like living in a world full of genious mind students. I will definitely recommend Cologne to the students coming from other cities or countries. This Huge city is like a hub of Students and greatest Universities.

What is the student lifestyle like in Cologne?

Student lifestyle in Cologne is partially tough and fun. Tough in a sense that students are unable to find an apartment to live in Cologne because of huge amount of students already living in the city and fun in a sense of that Cologne is beautiful and students can explore much more in their free time.

How much does it cost to live in Cologne?

Only a very small part of Cologne is cheap, otherwise the rest of Cologne is quite expensive. I would say that average cost of living in Cologne for one person in single room apartment is 500 euros.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Cologne? Is there any advice you can give?

Unfortunately, yes it is very hard to find accommodation in Cologne. I would suggest Cologne to build more buildings for students so that they don`t find it hard to live there for their studies.


What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

The food here is delicious and I love bakeries at every corner of the street. I love to eat cheese bread, more like a brotchen with cheese. LOL.

What places would you recommend visiting in Cologne?

For best pictures, I would suggest Cologne Rhein. For best memories, Cologne Cathedral (Dom/hbf), for best events, Messe Deutz, for calm and peace sitting, Porz Rhein and for best market and food and everything, Neumarkt.

Is it good to eat out in Cologne? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

For me it is Obviously good to eat out in Cologne because of beautiful greenry views and buildings. I would suggest to go to Christian Str. Its a beautiful place to visit.

Is the nightlife good in Cologne? Where is good to go?

Its good and bad. Good for those who just want to wander around in peace and enjoy Rheins, but bad for those who wants to do shopping because Cologne markets usually close at 8 or maximum at 9. Quite a few are open till 11.

What advice would you give future students heading to Cologne?

The most important advice I want to give to the students heading to Cologne is that they must find someone to look for apartment for them there in Cologne so that they don't have to live quite far from their universities or schools when they arrive in Cologne. Otherwise, COLOGNE IS BEST.


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