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Experience in California Lutheran University, United States by Maxine

Generally, what is California Lutheran University like?

Beautiful liberal arts college in a quiet peaceful town, but located an easy driving distance from LA and many beaches. The class sizes are small. Students have the opportunity to develop relationships directly with professors and often time conduct undergraduate research. There are numerous campus events and activities for people with a variety of hobbies, backgrounds, and tastes. The school is committed to service, so students enjoy many chances to volunteer.

What are the facilities like?

There are numerous computer labs, wi-fi, different buildings for different disciplines (science, exercise science, computer science, liberal arts, physics, fine art, multimedia, etc). We have a football stadium, two pools, a modern gym, full-service cafeteria, library, and several dorms.

What are the tutors like?

The tutors are high-acheiving students. All classes are taught by professors, though.

Are the lessons easy in California Lutheran University?

This depends on the subject. Some classes may be easy, but I find them challenging - especially those involving labs.

Does the University organise activities? If so, what are they like?

The University organizes many activities, as do student organizations. These give students the opportunity to visit nearby touristic spots or weekend getaways. Other activities include an extensive orientation with a service project, games, etc. Throughout the year, the school puts on celebrations of holidays. There are academic events like seminars, graduate school fairs, resume writing workshops. There are performance oriented events and movie nights.

Do you think there is a good quality of teaching?

This depends on the professor. Most professors, some trained at the best universities in the world, offer students a rigorous course.

Are there any stories you can share?

I got the opportunity to do undergraduate research over the summer full-time after my second year, which gave me the experience to conduct research abroad the following summer.

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