Experience in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico by Frank
What is it like to live in Ciudad Juarez? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?
When you think of Ciudad Juarez you think of its people. You'll have a great time since the moment you get here. Even though it is not a very urbanized city, it is in the border with the USA and the cultural diversity males it a very interesting place to visit.
What is the student lifestyle like in Ciudad Juarez?
You'll have a great time since a great percentage of the city's population is students.
How much does it cost to live in Ciudad Juarez?
About $500-$1500 USD/month.
Is it difficult to find accommodation in Ciudad Juarez? Is there any advice you can give?
It is really easy to find accommodation but you'll need to look for a good place, always keep security in mind and look for a set neighborhood.
What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?
Awesome food, here you'll find the best burritos in the world (since they were created here), carne asada, barbacoa, tacos, and many other Mexican dishes.
What places would you recommend visiting in Ciudad Juarez?
Downtown and all its wonders, Parque Borunda, Centro Cultural Paso del Norte, Parque Central, Samalayuca, Asenzo Café Bar.
Is it good to eat out in Ciudad Juarez? Can you tell us your favourite spots?
It is great, just go eat wherever you want.
Is the nightlife good in Ciudad Juarez? Where is good to go?
Look for Asenzo Café Bar and Hardpop.
What advice would you give future students heading to Ciudad Juarez?
Just be ready to meet some of the greatest people in the world.
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