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Mutianyu great wall

  - 1 opinions

Mutianyu great wall

Published by flag-ro Patricia Ioana — 9 years ago

Definitely, the most emblematic landmark of China is the Mutianyu great wall, or in translation, a monumental tourist landmark built by a people from different social backgrounds, having to meet a great historical mission.  A Chinese proverb says, the one who fails to reach the great wall, can never be regarded as a whole '. Translated it means that if you don't have the privilege of visiting the impressive construction, you can never understand the inspiration, splendor, covering or building a big human creativity.

But great wall belongs to everyone in this world. It is the largest building in the world and in the ancient world was considered a real prodigy and compared to a giant dragon that winds from the West in the Lop Nur Lake among the mountains and valleys, land manoase or reaching up to great desserts through the mountain pass Shanhai.  Controversial, long estimated at 21 196 kilometers, with 45 castles and hundreds and thousands of the observation turrets or signals, which offered during the siege, food supply or arms.

Mutianyu village is located in Huairou District and was built by General XuDa, under the regime of Zhu Yuanzhang, the early Ming dynasty. The place is surrounded by mountains, dressed in forests of pine and camphor trees.  The 16 new roads, being an incomparable tourist in the world.  Are allocated 5 generous areas for parking,  aid points, Police Office, restaurants (Yishanglou, etc.), tourist center that offers to visitors a Museum, and even a mini cinema where you can watch a video about the history of this ancient wonders. Near the House there is a ticket marketplace specific other times with practice vetusta, with all sorts of souvenirs, pamphlets, DVDs.

Also on the great wall of China can be reached by lift and trail, West of section. The company that built it is mixed: one between Chinese and a great business man in Austria. Covers an area of 12,500 square meters, and the cable length is 732 meters, at a height of 640 metres and it travels with 3.5 m/sec.  It has 58 cabins equipped with which your offers safety, comfort and fast service, everything being automated and computerized. It is the safest and most famous in the world, built in 1987, the project has been based fundamentally on the course, bringing the over 6 million tourists.

Getting on the platform (where you can organize different shows...), I was engulfed by a high-intensity emotion. I'd never have thought never co to get to see him! I started inconjor it with me, protector, cover it with grass testified words and glances, admirative and with an infinity of arms I've gathered in a strong hug. Are here! Take on the most baffling construction ever made by the hand of man, as historical testimony ... the three millennia.  We started the adventure! The Jiaolou, which is located in the Eastern ZhenguanTai has 2 floors. The top floor is an observation pavilion, and the one below, make a switch to other roads in 4 directions.

We continued our trip in Zhengguantai or SanZuoLou ', built in the second year of the Ming dynasty (1404), being used as a connection of 3 forts with crossing gates. Has 2 floors and underground passages. Its structure is higher than the rest of the wall with 3 pavilions of observation.

  These famous pavilions are located in the right side of the enterprise zone, close to the chairlift, to Beijing. Are the only illuminated, and the fall of the wall in Badaling series give the sensation of a staircase up to the sky in ... the flames, which along with a full moon, hanging a lantern on the celestial vault, gives a demiurgic scenario .

The walls of the Badaling section, have an average height of 8 metres, being built from slabs of granite mount on a paste of rice mixed with egg crust, forming a glue-binder. The top is wide enough to fit 10 people or 5 horses, and loopholes were assembled atop the outer wall for the purposes to scrutinize the horizon, but there are empty spaces to facilitate archery.  Battle towers are projected at intervals of 500 metres and, at the same time it stored all the arsenal of weapons, being more closely guarded. They were taking care of the great wall, which would remain there all his life, having been buried there.

The mountain pass Located at Juyong 60 kilometers away from Beijing, and forms a narrow path between two mountains and offers a good protection on the North-West edge of Beijing. Walls with steep slopes on both waves of the dissolution, were bystanders ... a strategy designed in military operations, with two gates in passing. South Gate was built by emperor Taizu  in Yuan dynasty.  The platform was covered in marble, in 1268, in the 5th year of the reign of Emperor Zhiyuan of the same dynasty.  Here is found a passage with bas-relief carvings, in the skies, the 4 ', with Buddhist incantations in Sanskrit, Tibetan, Mongolian, Uygur, Han, and Xixia. On the walls are different niches (over 2000 at number one ...), which are devoted to these periods.

Huangya mountain pass is located at 30 km to the North of the province of Jixian and 100 km from Tianjin. The original building dates back to the year 556, the 7th year of reign of Tianbao of the Northern Qi Dynasty. In 1567, during the Ming Dynasty King Longqing, mountain pass suffered major repairs, as they back from the base of the wall, making the sub-creations. This section includes catcher towers, being an important fight, aiming to defensive garrisons. It is built with the relief form, in which the Chinese nation spirit dominates and crystallizes the wisdom of this people. The main tower, called the Phoenix ', has 23 feet tall and 16 in diameter, being built of bricks and stones in a traditional way, is built on a base of solid and appears particularly threatening in the eyes of the invading enemies, having an additional system of fortifications. Here was built the first Museum of the great wall of China.

The mountain pass is located at hems Shahai mountain and near the East China Sea, in the northeast of the city of Hebei province, Qinhungdao to 3 hours by car from Beijing. The length of the wall here has reached 260 km, with stretches that focus on different historical architecture specific features, many keeping the initial appearance.  The famous Tower, the world's First pass ' or ' single pass under heaven ', is 5 Chinese symbols valability (characters), each measuring 1.6 meters high, with a length of 6 meters, being written by Xiao Xian, the best-known calligrapher of the Ming dynasty, standing at the Eastern Gate of the Shanhaiguan Pass. It is the most fleeting consideration of the point of departure from the East of Mutianyu-of being an important artery of North China region to the Northeast. In the tower are exhibited old weapons, bows, with arrows armor or towers. In terms of order is not the first, we call it like this because is the biggest.

It is estimated that over time, more than two million Chinese died during the construction of the present complexity.  Mandarin mentality of being preserved, passed in to build the wall around the House, to protect the country.

There is a legend connected wi th the Great chinese wall. It is said that a Chinese wife, who died during the works, came to visit her husband. For other builders were unable to tell the truth, they lied to her telling him that her husband was at the next turn, and so on, until he reached the end. There, when he learned the truth, started crying so bitterly that the tears they created a breach in the wall. There was built a temple in her honor. I found  this legend very beautiful. It's kind of Campulung, wife Ana in Chinese version.  

The Great Wall was built for defense of China's borders from attacks by nomadic peoples (including the Mongols).  

Their history proves that this country has not only had a technological evolution, but of thinking.  They understood the reality of the world and in the context of this broad, contributes to the advancement of civilization development, with a special focus on it.  They do not pretend, they repress feelings and when they feel, ' lost ', the work becomes a reason of living in itself and for itself ...

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