Erasmus Chambery 2011 / 2012 (English)
Thread created by Erasmusu Staff
— 14 years ago
Showing 1-19 of 19 entries
Erasmusu Staff
Written 14 years ago
Welcome to the forum for Erasmus Chambery 2011 / 2012!
This is the place where Erasmus students, or any exchange students, that are headed for Chambery in 2011 / 2012 can introduce themselves and get to know one another before they arrive. Introduce yourself to the forum and ask any questions you may have about the city, the University, where to stay, where to eat, the prices, places for parties, how to get to Chambery, etc. Here you can also find:
- The general forum for Chambery
- People who have been, are and will be in Chambery
- A photo gallery of Chambery
- Erasmus experiences in Chambery
- The map and weather in Chambery
- The Universities in Chambery
If you're a student who's spent time in Chambery in the past you can share your experiences and vote for Chambery by clicking here. The cities with the best and most interesting experiences will appear higher up in the ranking of Erasmus cities. Help Chambery win the number one spot!
Livin' la vida Erasmus!
Anna Jasiołek
Written 13 years ago
Hi Guys! I am from Poland and I'm going to Chambery for 2011/2012. Is there anybody from Poland who is going there also this September? Best wishes!
Written 13 years ago
Hola, un saludo desde Córdoba (Andalucía). Os invitamos a visitar esta ciudad y a mejorar vuestro nivel de español en nuestra escuela.
Silvie Zvoníčková
Written 13 years ago
Hi, I am from Czech republic and I´am going to Chambéry for 2011/2012. I search some new friends cos nobody is going with me... I am looking forward to you and to Chambéry :)
Anna Jasiołek
Written 13 years ago
Hi Silvie! Nice to hear from you! In September me also is going alone from Cracow to Chambery. One friend is going also but in antoher time. Maybe we could go toghether there :) Find me on facebook or on skype - ajasiolek so we could chat sometime ;) C U soon :)
Aida Cisneros
Written 13 years ago
Someone to share a flat in Chambery??? I'm from Seville, Spain, and next september i'm going to Chambery! :)
Camille Coiffier
Written 13 years ago
Hi guys, Im from the north east of France and I am moving to Chambéry next week ... I don't know anybody there but I did 2 exchange programs the past 2 years, I know the beginning is always hard and I would be very happy to meet new people from every where and maybe if I can, to help them for their issues ... I know its crazy at the beginning for the bank, phone, internet ... Hope to hear from you guys and good luck for your trip :)
ola g
Written 13 years ago
hi everybody!
I'm from Poland. Actually i live in Chambery- i'm au pair. I don t know people here so i would be very happy to meet positive crazy people like me ;) If you have time to meet sometimes: make a party, spend time together write me! [email protected]
See you!
Camille Coiffier
Written 13 years ago
Hi ola !
I would be more than happy to meet you ! Im moving friday and my parents are leaving me on sunday !! So from sunday on, I will be alone ! We can meet next week if you want !
Aleksandra Gonta
Written 13 years ago
Hi! I am now in Chambery and I am looking forward to meet new people from every country :) Especially those who live in Comte Verte residence !
Aleksandra Gonta
Written 13 years ago
sorry it should be Comte Vert :)
renaud re
Written 13 years ago
Hi everybody!
I am from Chambery, if you need to know anything About the the city or anything else,
write to [email protected]
c u
Dimitri Bonin
Written 13 years ago
Hi everybody !
I'm in Chambéry for the moment and I would be happy to meet foreign students. I was in Erasmus last year in Italy and I miss it. If someone could let me know when there is a pub meeting oe evening in a bar, it could be cool.
Write me to [email protected]
A presto.
pipo barru
Written 13 years ago
salut a tous le monde!!
J'ai été étudiant étranger il y a deux ans et ca me manque vraiment c'est pourquoi ce serai un plaisir d'en rencontrer quelques uns, pour aller faire la fête, pour faire du sport...Je connais bien la région et ca me ferais plaisir d'échanger avec vous.
si vous voulez écrivez moi sur [email protected]
ps:i'm writing in french because you have to learn it, if you don't understand i just said i was foreign student two years ago and it will be a pleasure to meet some of you for partying, doing sports...hope to see you soon!
Clément Valla
Written 13 years ago
I just come back from Finland where I was as exchange student last year... It was an awesome experience there and I would like to continue in the same spirit now. I arrived in Chambéry for my studies and I will be glad to take part in the Erasmus life in Chambery, to share the few knowledge I have about France, Chambéry and to help foreinger students as I've been helped last year!
I love sports and I will enjoy climbing, slacking or any other stuff with Erasmus student!
Take care/ clem'
Maya W.
Written 13 years ago
Hello :) I'll start my Erasmus in two weeks and I can't wait to meet you all! :) Anybody from foyer etudiant Alpes? Anyway, my mail is: [email protected] I would be glad to be in touch! :) See you soon!
Laura Duguet
Written 13 years ago
Hi Everybody, I'm French and looking for meeting foreign student and people from any other country...keep me in touch on facebook
Laura Duguet
Picture= "Come back soon" at Vegas
Bye :)
Sofie Jacobsson
Written 12 years ago
Hello, my name is Sofie, Im from Sweden and I'm new to Chambery! Im studying french (not at uni) but it would be fun to meet up with some exchange students, or anyone, in Chambery!
Hope to hear from you!
Showing 1-19 of 19 entries